11. Luke?

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Yay! Dedicated to every single one of you  lovely human beings who have commented and requested me to update. And @briella234, I'm not trying to kill you with suspense 😜. I'd be really sad if that were to happen (hehe). It's just that I don't have a lot of time with school and work and everything else in between that's why it's a little slow updating process. I swear I'm not doing that on purpose. Anyways, keeping giving love to this story. By the way, it's 7k reads, so thank you. Yay! Go team us.

(I just thought that we should have a #team... Something) what should it be? Send suggestions. One that is really unique. One that has never been used before. And you guys are the best!

Happy reading. 😄

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that."
                                        ~Martin Luther King Jr.

Caterina Roberts

Despite what happened, I decided to make breakfast. I wasn't going to let my dislike towards Mr. Clarkson wasn't going to stop me from showing my appreciation for his family.

It was weird how comfortable I felt at this kitchen. It wasn't awkward at all, and It wasn't just because I loved cooking. It was just something else. You know how when you go to someone you really don't know that well or even your friend's house for the first time and you have to ask permission to get a glass of water or to use the bathroom because it's awkward? Well, that's the exact opposite of what I felt like in that kitchen, in someone else's house that I've never been to before.

Grabbing the apron I put it around me and set Snow on the counter. It's actually strange how she's picked up on my habit of sitting on the counter. She's just two and she doesn't even jump off the counter like a two year old should, she just sits there dangling her tiny feet with a smile on her face. I give her a quick peck on the nose and walk over to the refrigerator. Opening the door I take out strawberries and blueberries and wash them over the sink and let them dry on the strainer.

Next, I opened the cupboards to see where they've put the coffee and once I found the package I started making it, but I'm wasn't sure how they take it. So I decided to make it VERY strong with a certain someone in mind to match his personality.

Next, I moved onto mixing the pancake mix to make waffles. I put aside the mix and pulled out the waffle maker and plugged it in and while it got hot I got two package of bacon. As the first batch of waffles were being done I put all the strips of bacon on a large cookie sheet and put it in the oven because that way it didn't take too long.

Waffles were done and bacon was getting crisp while I put a large pan on the stove to make some scrambled eggs. As I was scrambling the eggs I heard voices and at the same time Snow called out to me. I turned around to see that she had both her arms out indicating that she wanted me to pick her up and put her down. "No running, okay?" I said and she nodded her head and I put her down.

I heard a shriek causing me to jump up a little and I turned around. I saw Charlotte with the biggest grin on her face I had seen on anybody. "You're the bestest," she said as she hugged me.

Chuckling I said, "why, thank you."

One by one everyone made their way to the kitchen. "Reena, you shouldn't have gone to the trouble of making breakfast for these old men," Kate said looking at guys.

"Oh, it wasn't trouble at all, I enjoy cooking. I wasn't sure what to do since my little pumpkin," at that I looked to see Snow who was in his arms again, I have no clue how she ends up in his arms every time. "And I woke up early so we thought we'd show our gratitude to James and you for your letting us stay over at your house for the weekend."

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