13. Wrong Coffee

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HAPPY NEW YEAR! Can y'all believe that 2016 is dying in 53 minutes? 2016 was a crappy year for me I hope that wasn't the case for you, but if it was I hope that this new year (2017) is better for you. I pray that it brings you happiness, more reading books, true friends, love and most importantly I hope that you get to travel the world (because I believe traveling is more important that finding the love of your life. Kidding. NOT).  Love every single one of you who has read and voted and commented on my story. Have patience with me and my slow process. And I am so sorry about the late update.

Happy Reading.

"I'm done. I don't need anything more out of life. I have you, and that's enough."  ― Alessandra Torre

Caterina Roberts

"You should go."

"Excuse me? What did you say?"

I hadn't intended to say that out loud. I wanted as little confrontation as possible with him today, but obviously that wasn't what  my mouth had in stored for me. I didn't want to be seen as someone who was intimidated by his authoritative voice so I didn't back down from what I said. "It's important and you should go." For a second I thought he was straight out refuse to do what I said, but than he asked where the conference was. I tried not to seem surprised by it and just followed right behind him.

When we entered the room we were greeted by three faces. One looked to be in his early twenties and the other looked like he was in his late twenties and there was an older man who seemed to be in his mid-fifties. By the looks, it seemed like they were father and sons.

I guess introducing wasn't a thing here since he just took his seat at the head of the table with a nod. I didn't know why I was there so I decided to sit next to... hmm... I don't even know her name. We haven't been introduced to each other. By the looks of it, it seems like we'll be working together. Now that I think about it I don't even know why he brought me here other than to torture me. I mean it seems like she is his PA, so why does he need another one?

While I was lost in my own thoughts I hadn't realized that she was talking to me. "I'm sorry. What did you say?" I whispered back while the guys were talking about whatever it was that they were talking about.

"I said, thank you," she whispered back to me.

I didn't know why she was thanking me so I said, "what for?"

"For getting him to go to this meeting. We had already canceled it once last week, so thank you," she smiled.

I'm not sure that him deciding at the last second to attend this meeting was my doing at all, but I said 'you're welcome,' nonetheless because I was glad to make her day a little better on my first day of job. I supposed every little bit count when you're working for that arrogant jackhole.

I still didn't know her name, so I introduced myself. "By the way, I'm Reena."

"Shhh..." She said with her index finger over her smiling lips. I decided to shut up and pay attention to nothing in particular. Couple minutes later she discreetly passed a folded sheet of paper and it says: "I'm sorry, that must've seemed rude. Mr. Clarkson was looking. Anyways, I'm Lisa. Nice to meet you." I looked back at her after reading her note and saw her typing away at her laptop. For the rest of the meeting I stayed quiet. From time to time I looked up at Mr. Clarkson and sometimes found him already looking at me and other times not.

Finally the meeting was over with. The men got up and shook their hands with Mr. Clarkson and Lisa got up from where she was sitting and led them out the conference room and down the hall to the elevator while I ignored a pair of eyes looking at the side of my face. I wanted to look at the glass door until Lisa came back so I didn't have to talk to him. Thankfully, Lisa came back. As soon as she came back in he said, "coffee" and left the room.

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