21. Intruders

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Thanks you all for wanting to keep reading. Sometimes I get discouraged wether to keep going or not but than I see your comments and it makes me happy to see that some of you guys want to read it and it makes me want to keep going and makes me also want to find out what's going to happen next. Because truly I don't know exactly what's going to happen next in Damon, Caterina and Snow's life. But as I seat here and look at comments about you guys wanting me to keep on updating and when I have time I sit in front of my laptop and I start typing and the story unfolds. So thank you for keeping me going. 

And this chapter is dedicated to these four wonderful people for doing exactly what I said above and for keep on wanting more. Thank you specially!
@emmydeminico @LoveyourSelf4488 @NehaMisal3

Caterina Roberts

Nearly three weeks had gone by and I hadn't seen him around anywhere. The more I didn't see him, the more his thoughts plagued me. In the past three weeks I caught myself on numerous occasions thinking about him and wondering what he was doing and why I hadn't seen him and where he must be at the moment. What? Why? and Where? questions kept circling my head no matter what I did to distract myself. I hated myself for it. I kept telling myself that this was good and this was exactly what I really wanted.

Thankfully, I had my daughter and Eva and the cafe that I loved to work at or else I think I would have driven myself crazy with the thoughts of him.

Groaning I roll over on my bed this morning not wanting to get out. I didn't really want to get up and go to work this morning, even though I love what I do. It was my birthday and I wanted to stay home with my daughter and my loved ones and enjoy the day doing anything else other than work but I did't want to ask for a day off because I just started working. After procrastinating for five more minutes I get out of bed and quietly and carefully walk over to my daughter's crib. Thank the Lord she was still sleeping. Walking only on my tip toes I get out of the bedroom and close the door. I take a few steps away from my bedroom door and stop dead in my tracks when I sense someone near by.

I take a deep breath and turn around so fast with my fists up in the air, "I know taekwo..." I don't finish the sentence when I hear someone chuckle. My heart beats so fast that I think it's going to jump right out of my chest. 

"No you don't," Peter says.

"Oh my goodness. I could kill you right now, you nearly gave me a heart attack," I whisper yell at him.

He walks over and wraps his hands around me in a tight hug. "Happy birthday my munchkin!" He finally lets go and looks down at me and I grin up at him. Rolling his eyes at me he says, "what do you want?"

"Not to have to go to work!" I say pouting.

"Done," says someone from behind Peter.

I was so happy to see Peter I didn't realize that somebody else was there. I thought that wasn't Peter's chuckle but in my excitement to see my older brother I didn't give much thought to it. But now I could tell exactly who it was. How dare he just walk into my apartment after being absent for three whole weeks and think he can just come here as if nothing has happened. And he says 'done' as if he is my boss. Even though I am furious that he thinks he can just come and go from my life as he pleases, my heart flutters. This darn heart of mine. I hate that he has that kind of power over me. But now a small stubborn and rebellious part of my heart wants to go to work just to see what he would do. With a knowing smile I ignore him and look back up at Peter. "Where is Charlotte?"

"She wanted to come and wish you a very happy birthday but I told her that she should stay home and that," he looks back at Mr. Clarkson and says, "we'd bring you home."

"You can take Snow with you, I'll come after work." I think I hear a growl but, I ignore him again and say, "speaking about work, I have to go take a shower or else I am going to be late. You can make yourself at home, I'll be  out of the shower in like ten minutes. Play with my daughter if she wakes up, thanks" with that I walk into my bathroom. I lean against the bathroom door and get my racing heart to settle down before I jump into the shower.

I smell coffee and bacon as soon as I step out of the bathroom. With a smile on my face I walk towards my little kitchen to say thanks to Peter for my birthday breakfast. I freeze right where I am when I see that it's not Peter who is making breakfast. Damon turns off the stove and turns around to face me. "You are going to need a new shirt," I blurt out. He raises one brow and keeps looking at me. "It's going to smell of bacon." When he still doesn't say anything I turn around to leave. But he has other plans.

He grabs my hand and turns me around and pulls me close to him. I look down at my arm where he's holding onto me and look back up at him. "Happy birthday," he whispers but still doesn't let  go of my hand. I don't say anything but keep looking up at him. After a couple heart beats or minuets later he pulls me a little closer. I suck in my breath not knowing what else to do. He finally let's go of my hand and brings his palm up to my face. I automatically flinch and close my eyes. I release a sign of breath when his knuckles gently brush against my cheeks. I open my eyes and look back at him. I see such longing in his eyes that I have to gasp for air but, just as fast those emotions that I thought were there are gone just as fast as if I had imagined them. Maybe I had. But my heart tells me that wasn't the case.


I looked up at him. Congratulations to this man for being the only person in my world who could make me angry this early in the morning. I don't understand what makes him think that he can boss me round and thinks that I won't say anything and do whatever he demands. If that's what he thinks than he is in for a rude awakening.

I snatch my hands forcibly from him and take a step back and with as much bravado as I can muster I say to him, "the last time I checked, you" I take a step closer because my angrier is giving me the courage to do so and poke my index finger to his chest, "were not my father or my brother so stop telling me what to do. I'm not one of your employees who walks behind you obeying your every demand and whim. If that is what you think of me than you are sorely mistaken. Go get yourself another girl who does everything you say and does it without question, because I certainly am not the one who you can do as you please with. Get that in that thick head of yours." I turn around to walk away.

He grabs my hand once again and spins me around to face him and was about to say something when Peter walks in. I am still in Damon's grip and it doesn't seem like he is going to let me go even though Peter is standing right there just a few feet away from us with my child in hand no less.

"Let go of me," I hiss at him. But he just seems to look at me with a smirk on his face that I so very badly want to punch away.

"Momma" Snow says and Damon and I both look at her. "Dada," she says when she finally sees his face. Even in her sleepy state she manages to call him 'dada'. My heart flutters at the genuine broad smile that brightens his face at her mention of him.

He loosens his hold of me but doesn't let go and says, "hello my baby girl"

She smiles her content smile and lays her head back down on Peter's shoulder as if she had been waiting all her life just to hear him call her his 'baby girl'. Even my own flesh is such a little traitor. You are not supposed to like him. You are my baby girl not his, I think to myself. Rolling my eyes at my own thoughts I slip out of his loose grip while he is still looking at her and walk over and give Snow a peck on her cheeks and hurry off to my bedroom to get my socks and my shoes so I can head off to work.

... To be Continued





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