My Soccer Boy

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*...said no more counting dollarrrsss we'll be counting staaarrs...*

I slam my fist into my alarm clock and groan. I peek out from under my pillow as the blinding red numbers read 6:29 I have a habit of setting my alarm clock to anything except 6:30 the time I wake up for school.

Ugh school. Today is my first day of being a junior. The only good thing about school is soccer. I live and breathe soccer. Without it I don't know what I would do. Sadly there are no year-round club teams around so if can only play school or with my friends.

I roll around to the side if my bed to get up but get tangled in my sheets and end up dangling off with my feet still on the bed. I free myself and stumble off to the bathroom.

I turn on the shower and yelp as the freezing water slams against my bare skin. I grit my teeth and suffer through it until the warm water arrives. It's 7:00 when I'm done cleaning myself. Wrapping my body in a towel, I pick out a quick outfit.

Jeans, a soccer camp shirt, and black vans are my choice. I brush my long dirty blonde hair and let it flow down my back, still damp from my shower. I'm defiantly NOT a girly girl. I only own one dress and that was from my birth mother. My usual attire is sweatpants and a bun or pony tail. My kind of fancy is jeans. I never wear makeup unless we go somewhere fancy and if so, it's very light.

As I stomp down the stairs at 7:30 Tanner and Josh are waiting. Tanner is my twin brother and one of my best friends. We are very close and protective of each other. Josh is our neighbor and our bestfriend too. We are the three, mischievous, soccer playing musketeers.

A plate of toast sits on the counter, waiting to be eaten. I snatch one and take a huge bite and immediately rush to the sink, coughing it out. The boys start laughing and howling. But little do they know, they now have a target on their backs. As they laugh I dash over and stuff both of their mouths with the toast. Their laughs turn into choking sounds as I giggle my butt off.

Soon the kitchen is a mess. As I finally stop laughing, I spit out "Vonnie is going to kill us." Vonnie is our stepmom. We have a theory that she is a witch. Our real mom past away when we were 6. Two years ago my dad finally accepted her death and remarried. But little did he know, he remarried a witch.

"Eh I'll just blame you." Tanner smirks.

We soon realize that it's 7:50 and school starts at 8:00. We race to the car, fight over who sits in the passenger seat, and finally make it to heck. Whoops, I mean school.

We split ways to our lockers, which had to be all in complete different areas. I sort my things and squeeze my soccer bag in my locker. Then I run to 1st hour, making it just in time.

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