Chapter 8

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"Hi!" I say, forcing a smile. The girls look up, no doubt confused as to why I'm sitting here. "I'm just gonna be honest with you all. You see those guys over there?" I point at the table where my brother and Josh are sitting. They nod. "Well they were my friends but they did something very mean to me and I'm kinda avoiding them. They're not nice but you guys probably are so is it okay if hang out and sit with y'all at lunch? Oh and I'm Dani by the way."

I exhale and look up at there faces. They glance at each other and smile. The girl on my left says, "Sure! My names Amelia!" She points to the girl diagonal to me and then in front of me. "That's Rose and that's Samantha. But I'm sure you already knew that. I mean we've been going to school together since elementary school!"

I sheepishly smile and settle into my seat. To be honest I had no clue who these girls were until now. When I'm not with Tanner and Josh, I'm very anti social. I couldn't name twenty people who go to my school let alone twenty friends. Nonetheless I join in on the conversation with Amelia, Rose, and Samantha. The conversation is totally different than what I'm used to, but I'm glad. We chat about anything and everything which helps me to not think about the two boys who were the cause of this new friendship. By the end of lunch, I've already got three new phone numbers plugged in my phone and plans to hang out after school on Friday.

Walking to my next class I feel like I'm glowing. Maybe branching out of my comfort zone and being more of a girl isn't a bad thing.


Turns out that in every class that I have with Tanner or Josh I also share with Amelia, Rose, or Samantha. After lunch Rose and I walk together to culinary, a class that Josh and I both took purely because we had to fit one more class in our schedule and wanted an easy A. However, I found out that Rose actually wants to be a chef so I know who my new partner is.

I also know who my partner is not.

Walking into class I followed Rose to her table. There were no true assigned partners in Mr. Toves class so students switched up who they would work with all the time. Rose tended to work alone so it was perfect that I could work with her. Josh didn't think the same, however.

"What are you doing over here? We've been talking about doing culinary together all summer." Josh says after storming over to us.

"Oh huh well I'm going to work with Rose instead." I say without meeting his eye.

He opens his mouth as to say something but then shuts it and walks away. As soon as he gets back to his table I see him turn to Christie Panny and her crew of minions who also happened to be in this class. I narrow my eyes when I see her join him.

"Don't think about him he's just being stupid." Rose reassures me. "He'll realize soon enough."

"Yeah." I mumble, not entirely believing her. Josh completely blindsided me. Best friends are supposed to support each other and he showed his true colors the other day.

I shake my head and begin to pay attention to Mr. Toves as he begins to explain the art of whisking.


By the end of the day it was time for the third and final day of tryouts. However, everyone knew that the team was decided over the weekend. Day three just proved if you made the team or not.

This time I take my time getting ready. I'm in no rush to see Josh and Tanner. When I stroll out of the locker room, mostly everyone is there, including them. As soon as I reach everyone Coach begins talking.

"I'd like to thank everyone for coming out these past days for tryouts. Some of you showed talent while others... well others tried." He says smirking. His son laughs. "I'm going to list those of you who have made the team."

I bite my lip. This is it. Without thinking I glance over at Tanner and Josh. They are both looking at me sympathetically. I scoff and turn away.

"Starting off! Welcome to the team Zane!" Of course.

















"And... Dani."

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