Chapter 7

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Monday morning I woke up bright and early, an hour earlier than when I usually wake up. I had spent all of Sunday in my room, watching makeup tutorials and trying on my new clothes. I hated to admit it, but I actually really liked how I looked in my more dolled up outfits.

I spent my extra time putting on natural makeup (I liked the clothes, however I did not like the heavy makeup), dressing in a flowy, Bohemian top and some ripped skinny jeans, and loosely curling my hair. I was very proud of myself for burning myself only twice!

By 7:30 I'm ready to go downstairs. Hesitantly, I open my bedroom door. Normally, I'm a confident person but I'm still very nervous to see the boys reaction. What will they think? How badly will they judge me? What will go on in Josh's head? I didn't want to admit that I was mostly thinking about Josh's opinion.

Sighing, I head for the stairs. I know they are down there waiting for me so there is no point in stalling. I'm about to turn the corner when I hear their hushed voices.

"Yeah dude something's up with her. She spent the day with Vonnie. She hates Vonnie!" Tanner exclaims.

Before Josh can reply I walk into the kitchen, avoiding eye contact. Swiveling around them towards the pantry, I grab a granola bar and head towards the front door. The whole time I could feel their eyes watching me, no doubt confused and surprised.

"By the way," I flip around and glare at Tanner. "I actually like Vonnie. She gives me the respect I deserve. She's not the one I hate." With that I go outside towards the car, slamming the front door behind me. I slip in the backseat and breathe.

I couldn't stop thinking about Josh that entire time.


The car ride to school was awkward to say the least. Nobody spoke a word. As soon as we reached the school I all but sprinted out of the car. There was no way I was going to walk with them because they would just make me talk.

Entering first hour was not what I had expected it to be like. I didn't think people really cared but I guess I was wrong. In every class I could feel my peers eyes burning into my back. It was awful.

By the night lunch rolled around, I was ready to go home. I could not stand the staring and whispering. I even heard some guy say, "who's the new hot girl?" Gosh that was embarrassing. Imagine being naked, in a room with every single student in your school. That's how I felt.

Grabbing some nasty food from the lunch line, I sit down at a random table and sigh. Maybe Josh and Tanner were right. How can I handle being on the boys soccer team if I can't even handle dressing up like a girl? I glance over at my old table and meet Tanner's eyes. He looks back in pity. He gets up to come to my table.

Just then I realize that I don't need someone pitying me. Yes, I'm a girl, but I'm a strong one. Who says I need his pity? Before he can reach me I get up and sit down at the closest table where three other girls are sitting.

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