London's P.O.V
Me and ace got off the bus and walked into school
"We still have half an hour left" ace said, he grabbed my hand and ran to the gym, he opened up the door
"My ladie, you may go in first" ace said as he held the door for me, I smiled
"You are quite a gentleman kind young sir" I laughed, he laughed and walked in after me
"Great the volleyball net is still up" ace said with excitement in his voice
"Volleyball what's that?" I asked
"Are you Kidding me, you don't know what volleyball is" he answered
"Just kidding, I know what volleyball is" I laughed, joking with him was fun.He grabbed a volleyball, then he threw it at me, I caught it, I waited till he was on the other side of the net to serve it.
It was about to hit his head when he ducked
"Are you trying to hurt me?" He asked as a joke, I smiled so hard my cheeks started to hurt
"No" I laughed
"You keep laughing a lot" he pointed out, he served the ball I hit the ball sending it flying over the net and this time it hit ace in the head, I ran to him
"Are you okay?" I asked, he nodded, I grabbed his hand and pulled him up, he got up and was close to me, he leaned in and kissed me, I pushed him away immediately."What the heck ace" I yelled, he stumbled back
"I thought you wanted to kiss" he said, he stepped closer to me and grabbed my hand softly, I pulled away
"I have a boyfriend" I yelled, he laughed
"He's only dating because your hot" ace yelled back at me, a wave of emotion hit me like someone punched me in my gut, a tear rolled from my eye 'is this true?' I asked myself
"No, he loves me for me" I cried out,
"Your so blind, you don't see he dates all the hot girls" ace yelled, I felt like I wanted to punch him or brake down and cry
"Unlike you don't do that, your the schools player" I yelled at him, he looked at me with anger
"Me and Asher were friends, but once he told the whole school I dated every girl, I hated him, I can't get a girlfriend because of him. Also I know Asher he wouldn't have dated you if you stayed like your nerdy self before" he explained, I felt more tear drops fall from my cheek, I wiped them away, I heard a door open, I turned around and saw Asher
"Is this true, what he said?" I asked, and pointed to ace
"What did he say?" Asher asked
"Is it true, just tell me" I cried and screamed out, my eyes started to sting even more than they already did
" I don't know what your talking about" Asher said
"Ace tells me that you only are dating me because I'm hot" I cried, Asher shook his head
"No, I loved you the moment I laid eyes on you" asher explained, he walked closer to me
"Lair, I'm done with you" I yelled, I ran out of the gym with my bag, I found a wall and sat against it.Asher's P.O.V
I walked up to ace
"Why would you do that, I love her?" I asked, ace laughed
"Like you don't have a clue, she deserves the truth right?" Ace said, he smiled
"I actually felt something for her when I met her" I said, I pushed him and walked out of the gym.

Nerd with a new look
HumorLondon Greene knows everything about sports, she also knows everything about math, science, history, and all of her subjects in school, some say she's a nerd and London accepts being a nerd, but when she can't get out of gym class for the first time...