London Greene knows everything about sports, she also knows everything about math, science, history, and all of her subjects in school, some say she's a nerd and London accepts being a nerd, but when she can't get out of gym class for the first time...
I sat at my desk, Emily sitting beside me doing my makeup "Stop moving" Emily demanded, I laughed, she gave me a slap on my cheek "Okay" I smiled, Emily finished my makeup, I went into my bathroom with the clothes I was gonna wear, I got changed and walked out, to Emily doing her makeup, she looked at me and her mouth dropped
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"You look amazing" Emily yelled, I smiled, I sat on my bed, and waited for Emily to finish getting ready.
As soon as Emily was done, I put my converse on, and I was ready, I got the car keys, me and Emily hopped into my car, and drove to school.
We walked into the gym, nobody noticed us, we'll at least I think so, we walked to the punch bowl, Emily filled two cups with punch, I took a sip, it was okay for probably sitting here the whole night, I saw Asher walking toward me, Emily said she would leave us two alone, but I didn't want her to leave me here to defend myself "You look pretty" Asher said, I rolled my eyes "Thanks, you look good too" I said, I didn't bother to look at his outfit "I just want to let you know, I still like you, and I want a second chance" he explained, I sighed "What makes you think I would give you a second chance, and sure you still like me" I said with sarcasm.
"Well, I will never stop liking you, and I would really like you to give me a second chance" he suggested, I stood with my arms crossed "Fine, I'll give you a second chance" I answered, I could tell fireworks went off in Asher's head "Thank you so much" he said, he hugged me, with him being so tall, he lifted me off the ground "Put me down" I grunted, he put me down, then a slow song came on, great.
"Would you like to dance?" He asked me, he held out his hand, I took it "Why not" I answered, we walked to the dance floor, we started to dance, just a few seconds into the dance he stepped on my foot "Ow" I said, Asher was looking at the ground "I'm so sorry, I probably should have token those dance classes" Asher mumbled, I chuckled, we continued dancing, he just couldn't dance, we laughed as I tried to help him out, we ended up falling over, and again nobody noticed, I guess they were all to caught up in dancing.
Asher helped me up, someone from behind accidentally bumped me, and I got pushed closer to Asher, we were now looking at each other, he leaned in, and gave me a small kiss.
After the slow song, I danced with Emily to a more upbeat song, the night was so fun, at the end of the night, the were about to call the king and queen "Come on, let's go" I said to Emily "But I wanna know" Emily whined, I sighed in forfeit "The king tonight is.......Asher" they yelled, they always had to make it long and dramatic, Asher walked up to the stage they place a crown on his head "And his queen tonight is.......... London" they yelled, I was surprised, Emily looked at me and jumped up and down, she pushed me toward the stage "Get 'em tiger" she called, I walked up to the stage, they gently placed the cold plastic tiara on my head "Now for the king and queen dance" a girl yelled, Asher took my hand and walked me to the dance floor, everyone cleared, the music started, And we started dancing.
Asher tried his hardest to not step on my toes, but failed miserably, but nobody laughed.
This night was great, I'm definitely going to another dance.