I spent two hours trying to pick a name but, I still couldn't come up with one.
I put my warm fuzzy pjs on, and got ready for binge watching Christmas movies with Emily, tonight was gonna be awesome, and I couldn't wait for the day me and Emily's life's would be on a routine.
Again hint 2.
Tonight was gonna be awesome and tomorrow, I can't wait to see what presents I get, well anyway, after the first movie me and Emily fell asleep.
I woke up by Emily jumping on me, she was a child at heart, and probably everyone knew that.
I got off the couch and got ready to go over to my moms house, it was tradition for everyone to go to my moms house for presents, so I had to go to her house soon.
I got ready fast then drove straight to my moms house, when I walked into her house everyone was sitting around the Christmas tree waiting to receive there presents, great I was the last ever to arrive, my mom walked over to me
"I'm the last one?" I asked, but I knew I was the last one
"No, your dads running a little late" my mom answered, I nodded my head then went to sit with my family.I got $100 from my grandparents, new iPhone from my mom, gift cards from my dad that came an hour after I arrived, clothes from my dead aunts husband, and many more things from other family members, I got awesome things for everyone, I loved being with family.
I learned, my aunt Laura was having a baby, uncle Jim found a girlfriend, uncle don won the lottery and was moving to Paris so he would try to make it here for the other holidays, my aunt Maggie bought a new house, and my grandparents were doing just fine living in a retirement home.
As much as I love my family, they can get a little protective of me, and they need to know I'm almost 19 and I can do things on my own, I wish I could tell them that, but it would just start a huge argument.
After everyone left I helped clean up, then I had to meet up with Asher and his family, then have Christmas at me and Emily's house, so I had a lot of things to do.
I love Asher, but not so much is family, Asher got me and him tickets for a hockey game in Canada for Toronto maple leafs.
After Asher's Christmas I went to the house, I was tired, that after presents we went to have a nap, but the thing was Emily filmed the whole day, I don't know how she does it.
Ok to be honest I wasn't really feeling this chapter but, I want to make more chapters and try not to make chapters boring as this one, but the next one will be better

Nerd with a new look
HumorLondon Greene knows everything about sports, she also knows everything about math, science, history, and all of her subjects in school, some say she's a nerd and London accepts being a nerd, but when she can't get out of gym class for the first time...