The Ferris Wheel

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~~~~ON THAT DAY ~~~~

ME - ELLA. Instead of going to the mall, let's just head straight to the fair.
ELLA - oh. Okay. But why the sudden change of plan? I thought you'll buy something there?
ME - Oh. UHHH. I asked Jin a favor to do it for me.
ELLA - okie dokiee. Well then, let's go?

I then nodded.

She was walking a head of me while she was talking. I really cannot focus on what she was talking about since i was sooo nervous to tell her what I feel. Also, distracted on how cute her outfit was. Black beanie, long white shirt, black leggings and black converse. Her simplicity was just enough to pull off the outfit. I've noticed that she does not like accessories that much. HOLY CRAP I FORGOT!

ELLA - Jungkook?! Hey? Were you even listening?

ME - huh?

ELLA - just asking if i can record the ride.. For the vlog. I don't want you to feel awkward or anything while i do it.

ME - yeah that's fine. we can mount up your GoPro on the side.

I've convinced her to play games and wait till sundown for the Ferris Wheel ride because Jin and the rest of the gang is still not yet here.


Jungkook is acting a bit strange today. Its not like him to change his plans right away. Anyhoot, i have a vlog to record and might as well enjoy this day.

I was shocked when the rest of the gang showed up. But still happy 'cause i know we'll have fun tonight.

Same thing we did when we first went there. We ate junkfood, played games, took pictures of everybody with people wearing costumes, did a bit of my vlog and tried almost all the rides available except the Ferris Wheel. T'was a bit late so i asked Jungkook if we can now ride the Ferris Wheel. He was stuttering and did some weird hand gestures with his hyungs.


I was really not ready to do it yet but ELLA might suspect us that we.. Or I have something for her.

ME - Uhhh yeah sure. Just stay right there. I'll be back with our tickets, okay?

She nodded.

I quickly ran towards the booth and told the operator the plan and had the ride for ourselves for an hour. I took time to "buy the ticket" because the hyungs, while they were riding the Ferris Wheel, were setting up the cameras and the gifts on the designated pod we have chosen.

I got a text from them.. They gave me the go signal. Now i am really nervous.

ME - Hey Ella! Got us the tickets!

I smiled nervously. She nodded and smiled back. Its funny how she didnt notice the gang when they went out. Because of her excitement, she grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards the ride. I stopped her and she turned back.

ELLA - Huh? Don't you want to ride the Ferris Wheel? Well it's fine. I can just go by myself. :)

ME - it's not that i don't want to ride the Ferris Wheel, i just want you to put this on.

I showed her a black handkerchief and signalled that we have to cover her eyes with it.

She was curious so she asked me questions but i never answered any of it. I just told her to trust me. And she did eventually.

I slowly guided her to the pod where the gifts and cameras were attached.

You might be wondering why there should be cameras.. It's a live feed for the hyungs to see and also for future reference. Hahaha. They've convinced me to set up cameras even if i didn't want to. All reasons stated where a bit valid. Hahahaha.

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