Chapter 8 "Apology"

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You had woken up to the sound of talking in the kitchen. It was the sound of Garnet and Pearl. They were talking about you. "I just don't think she should stay here." Pearl said. This made you even more angry and depressed than you already were. Garnet paused. "You can come out now, y/n." She said as she looked down. Pearl looked confused. "What?" You quickly turned from a mix of bad feelings, to just straight out anger. It was obvious that Garnet knew you were awake. You quickly tossed the covers of as Pearl looks at you with a guilty face. You regret getting out of the bed because the covers were so soft. You gave them both a glare, then you decided to not make eye contact as you put your hair in a pony tail, and walked down the stairs. Then you literally headed straight for the door, but before you could open the door knob, Garnet stood up and said, "Y/n." You lowered your head, and clenched your teeth. "What." You said as you got even more angry. "Look, its not what you think." Then you quickly turned around. "Really?!" You yelled angrily. "Because it seems like you guys just don't care about me at all! And Pearl can reassure you on that! Ya'now, I really thought someone actually understood me for once." You said as you gave her a sad look. Then you turned around and opened the door. Garnet tried to stop you by putting her hand on your shoulder. "Y/n, wait."
"Don't touch me." You jerked forward so that she would let go of you, and then you walked out. You closed the door behind you, not looking back. You felt so hurt, and you started wondering how you got in the bed. You started looking down, just thinking about all the things that are happening right now. You took a deep breath, and sat on the stairs. You just sat there thinking. "Why me?" You thought. "Out of all the seven billion people in the world to choose from, why me? What's my purpose with this? I can't do anything? Why should they even care me in the first place?" You thought. You just put your head down and kept on thinking about things. A few minutes later passed. You were starting to get bored, so you were about to get up and walk away, but before you could, you heard Garnet call your name. You turned to her not mad any more, but a neutral kind of disappointed face. You looked at her, and she had a downcast face. Like she was scared to talk to you. "Y/n, can we talk?" She said hesitantly. You scooted over, and patted the spot next to you so she could sit down next to you. She walked up to you and sat down. She looked at you, but you didn't make eye contact. Garnet took a deep breath. "Look y/n. Pearl didn't mean to say what she said." You looked at her with a confused face. Garnet continued to explain. "Peridot made a contraption that connects to things, and makes it mean, or rude. It wasn't really her talking. It was the machine." You looked at her with an impatient, but very calm face. "How am I supposed to believe that?" You said. "You don't have to. I just want you to know that we do care about you, and that if you gave us another chance, you won't regret it." Garnet said as she took off her visors. You looked into her three colorful eyes. You could tell that she was seriously sorry. You went from impatient, to just relieved. You hugged Garnet, and started tearing up a little. She seemed surprised.  After a moment of hesitation, she hugged you back. "In sorry." You mumbled. "No. I'm sorry, y/n." You smiled. Garnet whipped your tears, and you blushed and looked away. "Now, are you ready to talk to Pearl?" Your smile turned into a neutral face. Then you shrugged. Garnet then stood up and held out her hand so you could get up. You both walked to the door and opened it. "Pearl, y/n wants to talk to you." Pearl looked like she felt scared or nervous. Your neutral face turned into a slightly upset face. Then you sat down on the window seat next to you,and you looked down.

Your POV

I noticed Pearl walked up to me. I felt her sit down next to me. "Listen, y/n. I didn't mean to say what ever I said. I didn't want to hurt you. There was this mix up with Peridot's contraption and-"
"I know." I said crossing my hands. I still didn't put up my head because I didn't want to look at her. "For other people, it wouldn't hurt as much. But something happened to me that made me just feel like I wanted to die." Pearl then put her hand on my back. "Oh y/n. I didn't mean to. Please forgive me." Then she hugged me, and all I did was close my eyes. Pearl then later her head on top of mine. "I'm sorry." She whispered. All of a sudden, my eyes widened and I saw my self floating in a dark void of blackness. I stood up completely. It was a little cold."Where am I?" I thought. "Garnet? Pearl?" I yelled. I waited for a response, but nothing happened. I turned around, and found myself in my old wooden house in Ocean Town. "Why am I here?" I thought. The n I heard someone bust in thought the door which made me jump. It was my dad. He was drunk, like always. "Dad?" I said. He seemed angry about something. "Y/N!" He yelled which scared me. "Yeah dad?" I said. "Have I ever told you how USELESS you are?!"  I looked at him. It hurt. "What?" I said. "You're useless y/n! Nobody likes you!Can't you see? Nobody wants you here! So just LEAVE!" For every word that he said, it broke me down inside. It hurt. Then I ran out the front door, and found myself in my bed. "How'd I get her?" I thought. Then my dad came in. He was calm and had a sorry look on his face. "Y/n?" He said. "Can we talk?" He walked up to my bed. "I guess." I said. "Listen y/n, I didn't mean to say whatever I said.I didn't mean to hurt you..." He kept on talking. It turns out, he's telling me the same thing that Pearl told me. "I'm sorry." He finished. Then everything went black, then I opened my eyes. I was back in the temple. I suddenly realized I was breathing heavily, and sweating. "Y/n, are you okay?!" Garnet said, trying to calm me. I felt really hot and I had a head ache. I looked at Pearl. She looked really worried. "What happened?" I said. I started calming down a little. "Well, after Pearl said sorry to you, your eyes started glowing white and you started freaking out, out of no where. Then you started crying and sweating or something." I looked down. "Wow." I said. Garnet continued. "But I don't think it was really important right now. What's important, is what's going on with you and Pearl." I looked over at Pearl. Her face looked like a worried face. I smiled at her. "Okay Pearl, I forgive you. I know it wasn't your fault. It hurts a lot, but I'm okay." She then smiled at you. "Thank you y/n" She hugged me, then I hugged back. I then gestured for Garnet to join in. And so, Garnet Pearl and I just sat there hugging. Then I looked at them. "Thanks for caring." They both looked at me and smiled. "No problem." They said at the same time.


I'm probably going to update either late tonight, tomorrow morning, or tomorrow afternoon. Most likely tomorrow afternoon, and the reason for this, is because of Gem Harvest. Anyways, yeah keep an eye out for that.

Also, thank you so, so much for 300 reads! I'm so happy right nowStay awesome! ✌

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