Chapter 24 "Fight"

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You stood there looking at them, but then you decided to not let them see you so you backed up and slightly closed the door. You kept it open wide enough to be able to see though. "So, nobody's going to move huh?" Amethyst chuckled. "Like how you made a move on my y/n?" Pearl said sarcastically. "What are you talking about? She belongs to me!" Garnet interrupted. "Ha! I you dreams!" Amethyst replied. "Dreams do come true, don't they?" Garnet smirked. "Why you-!" Amethyst then tried to whip at Garnet, but the strong gem got a hold of the whip and pulled it, making Amethyst jerked forward towards Garnet. Then, right before Amethyst reached her, Garnet punched Amethyst in the stomach, which made her head towards Pearl. Amethyst rammed into Pearl while she was by the window. The both of them fell into the window and shattered the glass which landed them outside. Pearl then pushed Amethyst off of her, and jumped back inside to fight Garnet. Amethyst got up, dusted the shattered glass off of her, and looked at you and Steven. She noticed that you were blushing madly at the fact that they were fighting over you. You stared at her with small tears in your eyes. You noticed she had tears too. You were also wearing a "How could you?!" face. You didn't like seeing your friends get hurt like that.
"Y/n?! Steven?! What are you guys do here?!" She said. She was then distracted by the fight, and jumped right back in, which gave you no time to answer her question. You and Steven then heard the sound of the warp pad, so you both looked through the shattered window. They were warping to another place. You and Steven quickly jumped into the warp Stream, right before the warp stream disappeared. When you were in the stream, you were just under them. They were still fighting and tumbling around. Because of this, Garnet accidentally kicked you in the stomach, which made you groan, and fall out of the stream. "Y/N!" Steven yelled right before you fell out. The gems didn't even notice you because they were too busy fighting.

When you looked around, you noticed the warp stream you fell out of disappeared. For some reason, you didn't think anything about it. Then you turned around, and saw another warp stream. A big one. It was slightly transparent, unlike the others. You looked at it, there were two gems. They seemed humongous. One had a robe on and seemed sad. The other looked angry or slightly upset. You just kept staring at them. Then, another warp stream appeared right behind you, and were heading towards it. A pair of arms reached out, and pulled you in. It was Steven. "Y/n! Are you okay?!" He said worried. You didn't answer him because you were taking deep breaths after being in there for so long. You finally answered, "It doesn't matter if I'm okay! We have to go and get the gems!" Steven nodded, and you both went to the prime kindergarten where the gems were fighting. Once you arrived, you saw them. Amethyst used her whip to break the leg of the gem injector, making it fall over on Pearl. She quickly dodged it, and threw her spear to Amethyst. She dodged the spear, but then Garnet caught it. She then kicked Amethyst, making her hit the wall, and threw the spear at Pearls shirt. Pearl was stuck to the wall, and she couldn't move. Garnet then detached her hand, and shot it to Pearl. You didn't want anybody getting hurt or poofed, so before it could hit Pearl, you jumped in front and summoned the your ice (Sorry, but I changed the laser into ice powers. So think, instead of lasers shooting out of you when you were asleep, think ice spikes. Hope you don't mind! :3) you tried your best to slow it down, as the ice covered most of the gauntlet. Since you were trying so hard, you started growling and getting mad. Your ice turned into fire, which started melting the ice. "Nononononononono!" You thought to yourself. "Stay....sad...." the fire quickly turned into ice again, and punched the gauntlet back and into the wall. Once it hit the wall you said, "Guys! Stop fighting!" Garnet ignored you. "You're lucky y/n saved you." She growled at Pearl. Pearl then took out the spear, and you moved to the side. "You're just mad because she wants to protect me more than you!" Pearl said as she stood up. Garnet growled and Amethyst's whip came from behind her. She quickly grabbed it, and threw Amethyst into Pearl again. As the both of them got up, they looked at each other. "Pearl, I think you know what we have to do." Pearl nodded. All of a sudden, a glow came from behind you, and when you turned around you saw....

A giant woman.

(Btw, as I'm writing this, I am listening to the song Giant Woman! 😂 What perfect timing!)

When Opal appeared, she didn't have a smile or even a smirk. She had a more angry face, while Garnet emotionless. Opal then quickly summoned her bow and aimed it at Garnet, as Garnet got in a fighting stance. Steven, still trying to stay out of it and you still worried about what's going to happen. Opal shot one arrow, and Garnet caught it. The arrows became more rapid, and Garnet still trying her best to dodge and/or catch them all. Until one arrow, hit Garnet in the arm. As Garnet yelled and was distracted by the arrow in her arm, Opal shot another arrow and it hit Garnet right in the leg. She yelled once again. Shortly after she did, she started two glow and a red and a blue gem fell out. "Ruby!" Sapphire said. "Sapphire!" Ruby yelled as they both tried to get up. You looked over at them and thought, "That must be Ruby and Sapphire that Garnet was talking about!"

While you were thinking, Opal summoned another arrow, and pointed an arrow at Sapphire. Before she could shoot, you heard Opal whisper something. "For y/n." She then let go of the arrow and it headed straight toward Sapphire. You noticed this and started running and chasing that arrow. You then caught up to it, and grabbed the arrow. Just millimeters from Sapphire's face. Once you realized she was okay, you sighed in relief. Ruby saw this, and got enraged, so she summoned her gauntlet, and punched the ground. This made dirty rock spikes come from the ground and shoot up, one larger than the last. This made Opal unfuse once they hit her. Pearl and Amethyst were now separated and couldn't get back together because of the wall of spikes.
Pearl was annoyed and angry, so she summoned her spear and chucked it right at Ruby. You didn't realize it until the spear got really close to Ruby. You couldn't think fast enough. All you could think was to run and protect her, so that's what you did. You quickly ran in front of Ruby and wasn't fast enough to grab the spear. You just closed your eyes, as everybody gasped. You then opened your eyes, and looked at your shoulder....


Hey! So you must think, "AUTHOR Y U DO DIS TO MEH?!" I know I would say that too. 😂 and I'm sorry, but this is how I write. I am one of those people who give out feelz instead of taking them, and I'm glad that you all enjoy it! Like seriously?! Two THOUSAND reads already?! I seriously didn't expect any of this and it might sound cheesy, but thanks to all of my supporters! Love you! ❤️

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