II : Star Cops, Legions and Pillars

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The soil trembled as the pile of rocks and ashes shattered when the pod explode. The strike forced me to close my eyes and cover my ears. It was as if I became deaf even if we're too far from the blasted zone. Well, it can't be helped since ten remote detonating nukes had been used to blow it up. However, the nukes flared up too strong that could even burn the whole forest. Fortunately, the place is surrounded by layers of huge rocks and big chunks of hard soil and not by combustible trees or else, a wildfire will happens.

For sure, somebody will startle by the deafening noise made by that explosion so we decided to leave the area.

While walking away from that place, I scrutinize my new fit because I feel uncomfortable with my get up. Aside from the fact that it makes me itch all over, I also hate the unpleasant direwolf's odor, stained in this garment. Like her, I'm now wearing this mumbo-jumbo apparel. Stellar also forced me to wear the sturdy boots which seem too small for my feet and the ripped jeans which look like a rags.

Bloody hell fashion!

"Fetch! You look more masculine with your new appearance." The woman complimented.

Fetch? Did she said fetch? If you only knew the cost of those clothes you burned, it's pricier than your life and even if you work for a hundred years of death, you still won't be able to pay for it.

I refuse debating her to prevent huge conflicts. I regret the time when I let Stellar cut my hair that thwarted our bargains. She also use the Reverse DNA Rod to change the color of my silver hair into satin black by refelling keratin enzyme in each hair strand that I have on my head. I can't seem to get use to this.

Besides of changing my hair into faux-hawk, she also changed the color of my eyes. Now those green eyes I inherited from my father became hazelnut in shade. She even put a mole under my left eye. From this time, I'm no longer Orion Tudor. Not anymore. I see a different person as I glimpse the reflection of my face in the clear waters of the lake. My face is being reflected clearly by the waters because of the three moonlights that illuminates the gloomy woodland.

"We should hide our real identities to avoid being hunted by the Legions. From now on, you're my twin brother. You'll address me as Stellar Celestial and I'll call you Pollux Celestial."

"Why we should have to change our names?"

"As if you should still let yourself be called Orion Tudor? Don't be dumb!" The girl rudely remarked.

Fine! She's got the point. As long as possible, no one must discover my real identity or else it will create a huge scandal. A scandal which will surely taint the house of Tudors. The history, the people, and all the servants in our house will definitely shun me. I'm pretty sure that my father and mother's reign will end like froths in the shore.

"But why pretend that we're twins? We don't resemble."

"To escape from people's malice and since we're fraternal twins, they won't doubt it"

After several minutes of walking, we reached the sputnik's location which was near the entrance of the lake. Sputnik is a vintage model, transportation vehicle use by the commoners and it is my first time seeing one in person. This sputnik is only as large as a space pod. In first look, I start to estimate its size. It has a width of five meters and length of three meters. In other words, a small air vehicle, opposite to my thousand Royal Shuttles since it could only fly twenty-six meters above the ground and with the speed of two-hundred kilometers per hour. It's not fast, so it will only suit to the commoners.

"Grmmm... Grmmn..." Stellar bluffs as she cleared her throat. "It's Voxie's seat. Yours at the back!"

I almost took the front seat beside her but her pet snatched the spot. This girl gave special privilege with her cat more than her prince?

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