I : Planet Chrome and Planet Exilon

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"Please position yourself in the pod to self-tight your safety seatbelt." the virtual assistant commanded. I properly positioned myself inside the space vehicle and then the seatbelt automatically locks as I sat in the pilot's seat. From where I was, I saw the swollen, watery, blue eyes of my mother. She cried so hard and I could feel her agony. Her rosy lips that is full of happiness became pale from sadness. I cannot waste this last opportunity. I stared and painted her face inside of my head — her mocha hair, her pinkish cheeks that are like pearls and her heart-shape face that I inherited. "Select the auto-pilot mode to maneuver the pod." I pressed the auto-pilot button console as I obeyed the instructions given by virtual assistant. The vibrating sounds of the pod's engine can be heard inside. When I wore the space helmet, it starts to depressurize the air in the sealed mask as for my breathing and protection.

A moment later, I could feel the rumbling of the pod when it levitates from the ground. This is my first time to do this since I used to be with the companions of my Royal Escorts in my huge Royal Space Probe when travelling to another planet. This nasty pod is a garbage unlike to my probe — small and obsolete.  I can't freely move inside and preoccupied to understand how this junk works.

What the heck! I don't know how to maneuver this junk!

I don't have the slightest idea about this garbage so, in my seat, I scanned the console then pressed the instructional diorama. Thank goodness! The manufacturer provided the technology in this crappy pod! This pod is an old model and I was horrid to drive an out-of-date emergency escape technology here in our bunker. I carefully followed the instructions given by the female virtual assistant and witness the opening of the force field above our garden. I can hear the stroking pistons of the engine came upon the opening of the hatch, then the pod gradually flies outside. If only I did listen to the lessons of my bastard instructor, I could knew these stuffs and easily manuever this pod on my own! That bastard was hollow in teaching the Space Odyssey Simulator. I wished my father asked that bastard to accompany me to another planet. If someone with me, I wouldn't have freak out like this. Either I could kill him after, so the secret wouldn't spread out or I shall give him an yzrrah. After all, it has been proven already that an underling will be more loyal when given that.

I wasn't in my expectations that the crappy pod could project so fast in the atmosphere. I almost vomit when I arrived in the dark, vast expense of the outer space in less than nine minutes. I immediately removed my space helmet and glance the outside. I was mesmerized again to the beauty of our planet. Planet Chrome is a blue planet — the same color as my mother's eyes. Chrome is most made up of water and is abundant with natural resources. Every time I stare at my planet from the outer space, I remembered the buoyant memories I spent with my mother. Planet Chrome is my mother's spirit — the only person that truly loves me. People were just forced to like me because I am their prince. I could still remember when I first read the articles in one of the broadcast tab and says that I am the top ranker on the list of most hated man in the universe. I heard their gossips about being me as a spoiled brat, being born with a silver spoon-in-tongue. They gave me nasty alias as lion-heart Tudor.


Because the pod traveled the space in the speed of light, reaching Exilon's atmosphere only took me nine hours. I need to prepare for the atmospheric entry. All things from the space entering the planet's atmosphere will be burn because of its strong applied pressure. Thanks that I'm gifted in elementary physics! It's a good thing that the pod is coated with fire resistant materials.

"Prepare for the atmospheric entry at an altitude of 110 kilometers. You may experience a sudden vibration that leads you to injury. Please wear the space helmet for your safety" the virtual assistant gave her warnings and commands. "Activate the module coatings for thermal protection system. Prepare for impact."

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