Chris Miller Imagine for Georgia

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"And don't forget the ice cream!" You shouted from the living room.

"Whatever you say Georgia!"

He laughed and came around the corner with a tub of Chocolate ice cream. Your favorite.

"What are we watching?" He asked you as you cuddled closer towards him underneath the heaps of blankets.

The couch was comfortable, but you loved using Chris as a pillow.

"Doctor Who," you answered in a 'duh' tone.

He only groaned in response. You laughed at his joking 'This Sucks' expression.

"They've been passing this all week!"

"Ooh, shush. This is my favorite part!" You shouted in a loud whisper.

Chris looked at me incredulously. "But this is a new episode. You've never seen it before!"

You shrugged nonchantly and tore your eyes away from the television to look at him. "Tumblr," was your only response.

He laughed. An odd sort of laugh. A breathy laugh that made his shoulders shake up and down. The kind of laugh that you had grown use to over the past year.

You were snapped out of your thoughts when you felt something shiveringly cold and sticky run down your face.

You glared at him and grabbed a spoonful of ice cream. His face went from amused to complete and utter terror. You smirked and flicked the spoon, hitting him exactly on his nose.

"And she scores!" You shouted in triumpth and waved your arms in the air excitedly.

Chris merely laughed at you and pulled you closer, and to your surprise, only to tickle you and send you in to a fit of giggles.


Hello. I know we had originally said there would be an update yesterday, but that didn't work out, and we apologize. Oooh, and to Georgia, we hope you enjoy this imagine. Happy Birthday love :)

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