Chapter 122

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Allison's POV

' Alexxxx! ' I shouted happily as he came out of the house with his bag

He looked up at me and smiled a little

' Hi Mum ' He mumbled before getting into my car.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion before shrugging and getting in the car

' So... How Was It At Carmen's House? ' I asked as I looked at the mirror to see his reflection

' Fine ' He mumbled, his chin was resting on his hand and his arm was resting near the window

' Ok.... ' I said in confusion. Why is he acting so weird today?

A few minutes later

I stopped the car and looked at Alex

' What Flavour Milkshake? ' I asked him

' Chocolate ' He mumbled, normally he'll say a thank you or something like that, but I guess not...

I nodded before getting out of the car and walking towards the shop

A few minutes later

I got the milkshakes and made my way back to the car

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I got the milkshakes and made my way back to the car

I gave it to Alex and he just drank it quietly

' Alex.... What's wrong baby? ' I asked

' Can you not call me that? I'm not your baby ' He said and I widened my eyes in surprise

' What's wrong Alex? ' I asked

' Nothing ' He mumbled

' Tell me ' I said

' Nothing! ' he said before rolling his eyes

' Alex, please ' I said

' NOTHING FOR FUCKS SAKE! ' He shouted and looked at me

' Don't talk to me like that! ' I exclaimed

' I can talk to you however I like ' He said and I furrowed my eyebrows in anger

' You are grounded for a week ' I said


' Make that 2 weeks ' I gritted my teeth

He groaned and layed back before clenching his fists

' What has gotten Into you? ' I asked

' This is my life, you have nothing to do with it ' He said coldly

' Your grounded for a month now, don't play rude with me! ' I said before aggressively starting the car and driving off

A few minutes later

As soon as I stopped the car, Alex got out and slammed the car door shut with his foot

I rolled my eyes before getting out too

' ALEX ' I shouted and he ignored me

' Oh my god! Allison?! ' I heard someone and I turned my head to see Mrs Andrews (if u forgot, she was the head of the uni Allison went to, u Kno, the one who expelled Simon)

' Mrs Andrews?! ' I exclaimed. Oh my god, she's gone really old, grey hair, but still, she has a straight spine, is still taller than me and has that creepy smile

' Oh Allison! My my, you've changed! Was that your son?! ' She asked as she looked to see the main door to my flat

' Oh, yes, that's my son, Alex ' I said and smiled and looked at Mrs Andrews

' I saw him, he looks beautiful, I can't believe your a parent now! ' She said and I bit my lip

' Are you still the head of the Uni? ' I asked and she sighed

' It was too much for me, I quitted the job a year ago, anyways, who's the special man? ' She asked and winked

' I-uh... Um... ' I whispered

' Oh no, divorce? I'm so sorry! ' She said and I laughed a little

' No no, nothing like that ' I said and smiled

' So who is he? ' she asked and winked

' Um... His name is Simon ' I mumbled and then all of a sudden, she bursted into laughter

' For a second, I thought you were talking about Simon Minter! Remember him? Oh my god! I have a dumb brain, getting old by the day! ' She said and I laughed nervously.

Hate to break it to you, it is him.

' Anyways, I need to go ' I said and she nodded

' Bye Allison! ' She said and as I walked away

' Bye! ' I said back before jogging back to the flat.

Phew, that was close

End Of Chapter 122

What's wrong with Alex?

Hope you enjoyed!!!


Bullied By My Crush (A Miniminter Fanfiction) [UNFINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now