Chapter 30

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Allison's POV

A few days later

It's been about 4 days now since the incident between Zack and Simon. From that day, I haven't seen or heard from any of them.

I've tried knocking on their door's, but, nobody answered. Which kinda confused me.

I also noticed that Taylor has been wondering around the halls, I think she is looking for Simon.

I was walking around the halls, the hall was crowded, as usual

I then got impatient, it looks like I'm some low life person who has no friends.

I then went to a random girl, she is in some of my classes. I tapped her shoulder

' Um, excuse me, do you know where Zack and Simon are? ' I asked and she looked at me like some rat

' No, and why? Wanna fuck them, slut , nobody likes you, and as for Simon, back off, he's my future husband ' The blonde said before flicking her hair in my face

' Yeah, and what? Simon doesn't want you. And your such a bitch to think that I'm gonna fuck them. I'm angry at Simon, and Zack is a brother to me. So do us a favour and fuck off ' I said before flicking my hair back in her face

She looked to shocked to say anything, and I walked away

Simon's POV

It's been 4 days, and Its been a hard 4 days. Each day, I feel like Allison's getting further away from me.

I don't even know if my baby is a boy or girl, or his/her's name.

I need to find away to get to her

End Of Chapter 30

I'm sorry you had to wait, I've been busy

Next chapter you'll be surprised


Bullied By My Crush (A Miniminter Fanfiction) [UNFINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now