Chapter 138

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Sorry for the wait. I think I died for a few days. God knows. Not only that there was some shit going down in my twitter GC. But I'm good now😂😂😂😂

Allison's POV

I clenched my teeth and turned to my right to see a clear bottle of wine. Something came to my mind.

I grabbed that bottle and walked over to Meena And Simon, who were still fucking making out!

I slammed that glass across Meena's back. She pulled away and screamed. A lot.

I looked to see a hand on her back, blood oozing out. She turned and widened her eyes when she saw me. A look of guilt. But a look of sadness covered her eyes as her tears came running out of her eyes

' Why? ' she cried. She started crying and I turned and looked at Simon

' Why don't you help your girlfriend then? Fucking bitch ' I gritted through my teeth before stomping out of the pub.

I walked a few streets. And then stopped. My mind was processing what just happened.

I hit Meena with a wine bottle.

Oh shit.

I turned and ran back to the pub. Whats wrong with me?! She's still my friend

I slammed the pub doors open and looked to see a few people helping Meena. As some turn to see me, they backed away, a look of fear across their faces

I didn't give two shits though. I ran over to her and took my scarf off my neck. I wrapped it and placed it on her wound. Jesus, it looked like she got shot with a paintball gun.

' Meena, breathe ' I said and removed her hair from her face. Her nose and eyes have gone red from crying. She was breathing fast and I held her cold hands

' Breathe ' I said slowly. And she did. She held my hand. But then, her eyes slowly started to close

' Meena?! Meena! MEENA?! ' I screamed and shook her.

I looked to see a lost Simon.


I placed my ear onto Meena's chest. I heard a light heart beat. She's still allive. But she's loosing blood.

Love made me do this. If I didn't love or meet Simon, my life would've been perfect. But then, he gave me happy moments. Like Alex.

Love is a cruel bitch. And I don't think I want to continue my relationship with Simon anymore.

End Of Chapter 138

Um, well this is awkard


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