Chapter 103

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Here's your double update

Allison's POV

I pulled my car up and waited, finger tapping on the steering wheel. I bought this car a week ago (about a week ago, week ago😂)

As the clock hit 3:30, I got out of my car and stood outside of Alex's School Gates.

Normally he goes home by himself but since I got a car, he complained that his legs are tired so I have to take him by car.

A few minutes later

I sighed, where is he? Nearly everyone is gone.

I sighed as I entered the gates and started to look around.

All of a sudden, I saw Mimi and Valerie, Alex's 'girl' best friends, but honestly, they're sweethearts!

' Mimi! Valerie! ' I shouted as they looked up at me

' Oh Hi Mrs Smith! How are you? ' Valerie asked and I smiled

' I'm very good, thank you Val, But have you guys seem Alex? ' I asked

' Um, last time I saw him he was in the hallways, English block ' Mimi said and I nodded

' Ok, thank you, bye ' I said

' Bye Mrs Smith ' They said and I smiled and walked at a fast pace to the English block

A few moments later

I panted as I reached the English block and took a deep breath before standing up.

I started to wonder around the block, and then stopped as I heard Alex's laughter

' OH MY GOD!!! ' I heard a feminine voice and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as I walked towards the voices

I stopped as I saw Alex and a girl sitting beside him, they were both watching something from Alex's phone, and laughing their heads off

I took a glance at the girl beside him, blue eyes, and blonde curly hair

' Alex Smith! ' I shouted and they both snapped their heads to me

' Where have you been?! I was so worried! ' I said as I walked towards Alex

' Is this your mum? ' The girl asked Alex

Alex nodded in embarrassment as I stopped in front of them

' Who is this Alex? ' I asked and nudged him, a smirk on my face

' U-uh... This is Annabel ' He said, scratching his neck as I looked at Annabel

' Hello, I'm Allison, Alex's mother ' I said and shook hands with her

' Annabel Holliday, pleasure to meet you ' she said and I smiled

' So what are you guys? Best friends? ' I asked and smirked at Alex

' She's my..... Girlfriend, mom ' Alex said and I squealed inside

' Alex, we need to go, Bye Annabel, come to our house whenever you like ' I said and Annabel nodded

I grabbed Alex's arm and pulled him up

' Call me ' Alex said and Annabel nodded

I pulled him out of the building and squealed

' When we get home, I need to know everything ' I said and Alex groaned

' I knew this was coming ' Alex sighed as I smiled and walked to the car

End Of Chapter 103


Bullied By My Crush (A Miniminter Fanfiction) [UNFINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now