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It had been a month since Margaret's arrival at Arkham, and two weeks since she had started her new job.

Dr M had allowed her permission to do some cleaning in the asylum. It had taken a little convincing for his superiors, but after presenting his case about the therapeutic benefits, and the cost efficiency, they agreed.

She was given a sponge and a warm bucket of water for each area she cleaned. She would clean her own room at the beginning of each day, after breakfast she would start on the corridor, then continue on until lunch. Afterward, she would either have a session with Dr M or move on to the next area.
During her cleaning, she was required to wear cuffs on her hands and feet for security purposes.

She enjoyed it greatly, the other patients would sometimes talk to her, either for company or to cause trouble. She would never respond though, out of fear she would be banned from continuing her work.

When she first cleaned the high security patient's area, she notice a glass cell. It was empty, and different to the others she had passed. The walls and floor had extra padding, the bed was built-in, there was no window and the air holes were close to the ceiling.

Margaret continued her work, but couldn't stop thinking about that cell.
'Who is it for?'
"Maybe it is an emergency cell, incase they have a complete nut job."
'Or it could be for very naughty people, should we ask Dr M?'
"No, we should wait and see if they stick someone in there."
'Oh yeah, good idea. Get the information from the source!'
Margaret continued on as normal, but each time she passed the cell, her curiosity grew more.

Five weeks later, on the day she was supposed to clean the high security area, Dr Mathews stated she would be cleaning the west wing instead, but did not explain why.

It was two weeks before Margaret was allowed to return to her routine, and she soon realised the reason.
In the strange glass cell, there was a figure, laying on the bed in a straight jacket. He was whistling the tune, 'Let's All Go To The Lobby,' which Margaret could not help but join in to.

The man was startled, curious who would be crazy enough to join his melody. He sat up slowly, his green hair sticking out messily from his pale white head.

Margaret continued the tune, unfazed by the man's appearance.

"Excuse me, I do believe that was a solo take, you have to sign up for the duos."

Margaret let out a giggle, but paid the man no attention.
At least not until she noticed the big smudge across the glass.

"Is that blood?"
'Yes, I believe it is, he must have been naughty.'
"I wonder what he did to get put in time out. Oh, maybe he was back chatting the teacher!"
'Or he killed the teacher!'
"What?" Margaret put her hand to her chest and looked at the man with horror. "Did you kill the teacher?" She huffed in disapproval.
'Do not talk to him!'

"Excuse me?" The man looked at Margaret with surprise.

'Nothing! Do not!'
"Oh please!"

"Please what?"

'Fine, just do not run to me when we get in trouble.'
"We were curious as to why you are in the naughty box?"

The man's mouth was stuck in a permanent smile, yet he still managed to force it further by showing his teeth. "Well, let's just say I did some 'illegal' garbage disposing, which in turn caused further mess."

"So you killed people who were of the same worth as garbage, then left it for the cops to clean up?" She smiled, liking the man's description of his deeds.

"What about you?" He gave a bored look, laying back down on the bed. "Let me guess, you cleaned someone's house without permission?"

"Apparently they do not like people killing their parents, plastic wrapping them and leaving them on the couch for a year." Margaret put her head down, concentrating on cleaning the crease between the glass and the floor.

The man looked at Margaret, yet kept his back against the bed. He was studying her.

"You know, we would not have had an issue if my boss noticed how good I am at cleaning." Margaret huffed, angered by the manager's words.
'Why are you still talking?'
"He seems alright. And I thinks his smile is cool, give him a chance."
'This will not end well.'
"Trust me. I have a good feeling about this, and I am bored.

"Do you want to get out of here?" The man asked, offering her a wide smile as he rubbed his hands together.

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