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Margaret had continued her cleaning, whilst the man with green hair explained his plan.

"Okay, so do you understand what's expected of you?" The man asked.

Margaret smiled excitedly, "Of course!"
'We should exchange names.'
"Oh, right. My name is Margaret, may I ask your name?"

"Joker." His smile widened as the words left his mouth, expecting some realisation to hit her.
But she merely smiled politely and nodded, then continued to clean like nothing had happened.


As time went on, Margaret had been working on her side of the deal.
Since she cleaned a lot of areas in Arkham, she passed a lot of the staff who had access to the exits.
She had stolen a level three access card and two security keys. All she required now was a black card, which granted access to Joker's room.

She had spread the thefts over eight days, having waited two weeks after meeting Joker. He had told her which of the staff to take from, as he knew which were more stupid or clumsy than others.

She had a session with Dr M, which was after his session with Joker. This meant he would not be looking for the card until the next day at least. 
She made herself slip and bang her face on the door way, leaving him to help her, whilst she stole the card. Her bloody nose and split eyebrow were enough to fully distract him.

After a check over and a couple of stitches, she was to stay in the medical ward overnight.

Once everything was quiet and the main lights were off, she unlocked her restraints, cleared the corridors and doors, and quickly found Joker. It was quite dark, but the faint lighting reflected well off of Joker's pale skin.

She had passed the security office, finding the guards distracted by a very attractive woman doing unmentionable things in her sleep.
Margaret used the black card in the glass door, and at the same time, inserted one of the keys into the slot, thus unlocking Joker's cell.

The duo continued in silence until they came to the basement. The next part of the plan, Joker had not trusted her with.

He ripped a piece of his orange jumpsuit off and placed it over the only camera in there. The walls were a similar colour to their outfits, therefore leaving the camera to see a dark orange wall as normal. He then used his own key, from previous escapes, to unlock the heavy, iron door. She was unsure where he had gotten it.

Two miles of abandoned sewers later, they came to a ladder, which Joker instructed they were to climb up.

Now in an abandoned factory, dust thick over everything, lights from the city shone through the broken and dirty windows.

"Thank you Joker." Margaret put her hand out towards him.

"No problem toots!" He stated, putting his hand out to shake hers, but as he grabbed it, a shock went up his arm.

She burst into fits of laughter. "Did you see his face?"
'That was well done. We looked so serious too.'
"I know, that was so worth it."

Joker watched her carefully, curious as to why she did not realise what a dangerous game she was playing.

"I found it on the floor, it was too good to resist!" She held her stomach, calming her breaths.

"Do you know who I am?"

"You are Joker, my new employer, and we just gave up our holiday pay to see that look on your face."

"You haven't heard of me, or seen me on television?"

"We do not talk to anybody, not watch much TV, or read newspapers. Are you famous?"

"I only brought this city to its knees a couple of times." He gave a sarcastic shrug.

"Really? That sounds awesome, so are you a super villain?"

"Why yes, I do suppose I am." That made Joker's smile grow widely, enjoying the label she used.

"So can I see your costume?"

"When we get to my hide out I will show you."

"Could we make a stop first? It's close by."

"I suppose, just make it snappy."

After ten minutes of running through the sewers, hiding from police cars and dodging through back alleys, they finally arrived at Margaret's house. Slipping through the unlocked back door and up to her room, she grabbed her 'uniforms' and the stash under the floor board, then placed them in her back pack. She changed into black jeans, a black top and a black jacket.

"Hey, did you want to change? You can use some of my dad's clothes"

"Now there's an idea, though I do look stunning in orange!" He gave a pose before following her.

He ended up with black suit pants, a black shirt and a black coat.

"You know, I believe the last time I wore an outfit like this, I was going to a funeral, hahahah!"

They had left the house, and continued on to the Gotham river, walking along a path barely higher than the water level.
"We're here!" Joker stated excitedly.

Margaret looked around, but saw nothing more than cement, wood and water.

Joker walked up to a drainage pipe big enough for a full grown man to stand in, they had passed several along the way.
He stepped inside, Margaret close behind, and they soon came to a grate, he pulled it out with ease, walked through and replaced it.
After about twenty metres, the pipe inclined, and Margaret realised they were now in a small room made of metal.
A room whose only contents, was a wooden door.

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