Something Different... (boyxboy)

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A/N Hey guys! So this is my first story and my first boyxboy and I would have put it up way sooner but I had a lot of issues with it and this is my third time re-writing it so I hope that you like it. Please comment and tell me what you think, good and bad I can take the criticism. Vote if ya like it and still vote even if you don't! And don't forget to FAN FAN FAN!

Oh! and right before I forget to mention this... THIS IS A BOYXBOY! SO IF YA DON'T LIKE THEN DON'T READ! It is as simple as that! K love you guys!

Now go read!

Angel's P.O.V

The pain. All I could feel was pain. But there was no way in hell that I was going to show any emotion to any of them. So I just held back the tears and waited for the pain to end, witch was hopefully very soon.

They punched me again, in the jaw this time. I could not take much more of this.

“Stop! Please stop!” I cried as the blond haired one kicked me again in the stomach making me fall to the ground feeling my ribs breaking again.

“Awe look! Poor little fairy boy is crying!” They said as another punch landed on my right shoulder.

Please let this be over. Let the stupid lunch bell ring telling every one that lunch was now over and telling me that the beating would stop.

For once the bell was in my favour and rang just as I had wished, but the three jocks that were beating on me did not leave me and head for class before giving me one more hard kick in the side and then walking out.

I lied still on the ground for about 5 more minutes after they left, before finally getting up and slowly making my way out of the unused classroom that I was just beaten up in. The classroom that i got beat up in almost every day. When I was not beaten up it was very rare.

Everyday right around lunch they would come and find me. But it would usually happen about ten minutes before lunch ended when they would come find me and start the beatings. But for some reason today they decided that they would come at the beginning of lunch and keep on going until lunch was finished. So lets just say that today i was feeling ten times worse then normal.

Seeing as I was now late for class and the hallways were empty, I decided that I would just go to my locker grab my things and leave.

As I was opening my locker I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my right shoulder. I yelped in pain as I turned around to face my attacker, and saw Alexander standing there.

“Geez man, I didn't hit you that hard.” He said in a mater of fact tone.

“Yeah well that does not automatically mean that it is not going to hurt.” I said as I closed my locker and started to walk away from him and out towards my car.

“dude, where are you going? We are already late for class.” he asked as i unlocked my car.

“Look,” I started as he was about to go into one of his rants about how it was not a good idea to be skipping school at all because it affected my grade. Its not like I just went a head and skipped all the time, and my grades all already shit so I don't see how it really matters anyways. “I know exactly what is going through that thick skull of yours right now, and I am not in the mood to hear it. I am leaving and there is nothing that you can say to make me stay.” Hehe. I think that rhymed.

“Fine, but I am not going to cover for you again. Last time Ms. Bollock just about chewed my head off at my sorry excuse for you not being there.” He said as he started to turn to head into class before he was even more late than he already was. As if I cared that I skipped. I know my parents didn't either.

“Kay fine. Ill see you latter.” I said as i hopped into my car and he headed back for class.

I pulled out of my spot in the parking lot and drove off to only god knows where. And I did not care where I went. Anywhere was better then school and having to face my parents in the hell whole I had no choice but to call home.

My name is Angel Lopered. I'm 17 and in my senior year of high school. I guess I am what you would call emo. And before you ask yes, I do cut myself. But I have my reasons for it. I have longish black that only goes down just below my ears, but that also basically covers up one of my eyes. I wear skinny's and band tee's most of the time. I have blue eyes and am quite pale. Oh and I'm also 5'7.

I get abused very often both at school and at home. The reason being that my mom is an abusive slut and my father is a very violent drunk. So he is basically violent towards me all the time because he is drunk non-stop. At school I am beat up every day either at lunch or after school, by all of the stupid football jocks.

All of the beating from everyone started when I came out to everyone that I was gay. No one took it very well. All of my friends left (except fore Alexander that is), my parents said that I should have never been born and that I was an abomination and started to abuse me.

And when all of this started was when I felt like I could no longer take the pain. So I decided that in order to block out that pain I had to use another type of pain. So I started to cut myself with a blade that I found in my closet one day. And now whenever the pain is too much for me to take, cutting is what I resort too. But as I have explained, I have my reasons.

I ended up just going to the park and sitting on the swings for a long time. No one was there except for me seeing as school was only let out a few minutes ago, and it was very cold out.

I decided that it was time for me to start heading home before my parents got mad at me for not going strait home after school (they did not care if I skipped school, only that I was home in time to do all of their commands for the day).

As I was about to get up and head for my car, I heard someone push open the ate to the small park that I was in. When I looked to see who it was, the boy that stood there literally took all my breath away at how beautiful he was.

A/N: Soooooo... How did you guys like?!?! You need to let me know what you think!!! I will post more soon! I would have posted this last night but I was fighting with wattpad and my computer and it was really late, I was tired and screaming at my computer trying to make it work was not helping my problem. But anyways, here it is finally. I may be posting more latter on today!

Picture to the right is Angel!

Song to the right ---> Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen (It was playing on the radio while I was uploading it and thought it was kinda perfect for the end of the chapter). XD

Will post more soon my little pancakes! Comment, vote, fan! Love ya's!

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