Something Different... - Chapter 2

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<------------- See this magical button up here? push it! you know you want too!

A/N: ok guys, so i realized after i uploaded this that it was really short! and i am sooooo so so so sorry about that! but i will make it up to you! i was writing this today durring my lunch at school and i was trying to make it long but i did not have the time... so because of that, the next chapter i have decided to make WAY longer! anyways! please vote and comment! it makes me feel like you guys actually care that i am writing this!

I didn't move. Couldn't move. It was as if one simple move and I would wake up and this would all have been a dream and I would wake up, and it would all be gone. But then he slowly started to walk towards me and he sat down on the swing next to the one that I was sitting on.

He had long black hair that went just passed his shoulders. It was kind of teased to one side and he had bangs that went across the side of his face, covering half of his eye. Oh, and did I mention that his hair looked extremly soft? Where as mine was all stingy. We had piercing blue eyes with eyeliner all around them, that I could not help but stair into them. He had pale skin that went very nice with his dark hair. And his lips... They were just so perfect that all I wanted to do was jump him and kiss him all over... OK calm down Angel, you don't even know him yet. He had on a pair of dark ripped skinny jeans, a studded black belt, a black leather jacket and what seemed to be a fadded black muscle shirt under. He was absolutly breath taking.

He looked over at me, and I quickly averted my gaze to the ground.

"Hey." He said after a while of sitting therer in silence.

When he spoke it was like the voice of a god and I just wanted to hear more. I wanted for him to never stop talking.

"Hey." I said back quietly.

He smiled at me and said "I'm Skylar."

"Angel." I replyed back. After sitting in silence for a while again, it was me who was the one to break it this time. "So, are you new to town or something?. I mean I've never seen you around before."

"Yeah. I just move here yesterday. I start school tomorrow."

"What school are you going to?" I asked curious.

"Cornegie high."

"That's where I go. But really, who would name a high school after a dog breed?" I asked trying to start a conversation.

"Yeah, that was what I thought whenI heard what the name of my new school was. I could not stop laughing." He said with a small smile.

All of a sudden my phone went off, and Black Veil Brides, Fallen Angels started to play.

"Hello?" I answered it. Not bothering to look at the caller ID.

"Where the hell are you?! I told you to be home an hour ago, because you had shit that you have to do for me and your father!" My mom yelled at me through the phone.

Shit! I lost track of time! I am so dead! Now I was really dreading going home.

"Ok i am on my way home right now." I said to her as I was getting up off the swings.

"You had better come strait home!" She said and then hung up the phone. I was really dreading going home now. Because I knew exactly what was coming my way once I walked through the front door.

"Where are you going?" Skylar suddenly asked as I turned to leave. Crap! I had forgoten that he was there for a momment.

"That was my mom on the phone. I lost track of time and am now late getting home." I replied as I said goodbye and started to walk away.

"If you want I can give you a ride?" He said suddenly.

"Uh, sure if it is not a problem that would be great."

He got up and lead me to his car. And when I saw what type of car it was, I all but fainted. he had a black 2011 camaro. It was the car that I had always wanted. and he had it and I was about to ride in it.

We got in the car, and aside from me telling him how to get to my house nothing was said between us. We sat in silence but it was a comfortable silence.

When we got to my house, I was about to get out of the car and say goodbye, when he grabbed me and pulled me back slightly. And what he did next sent me into shock. He gently placed a kiss on my lips. I was frozen on the spot. The kiss was short lived, but sweet all the same. WAIT! HE IS GAY?! And he just stole my first kiss.

He just stole my first kiss!

A/N: OK guys I will try to update more often. Vote Comment Fan, and love me like I love all of you!

Latter my little pancakes!

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