Something Different... Ch. 4

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Hey guys! You don't understand just how sorry I really am for not uploading in so long! I have been really busy and have not had the time to write up this chapter. Now from where I left off in the previous chapter I am skipping a head a bit to the next morning because I just don't think I can write the scene with his parents, it would just be a bit hard. But I will have a filler at some point so you know a little more about his home life.

The song is Bewitched by Blood on the Dance Floor... i recomend you listen to it, because it is absolutely amazing!

Picture to the right is alexander!

Anyways! You have all had enough of my ranting! So I shall let you all go read!

Go little pancakes, go!


Angel's P.O.V.




“Shut up already!” I yelled at my alarm clock.

It was way to early to be getting up and my body was killing me. Every inch of me was probably covered in bruises after the beating I got from my parents last night.

The last thing I wanted to do was get up and go to school.

But knowing that it was safer to be at school - not by much – then to be here at home, I got up slowly and hobbled over to my bathroom.

I turned on the light and looked at myself in the mirror.

I had bruises all over just like I thought, and a couple of scratches on my face from when my mom's long nails caught when she hit me across the face.

Although that was all I could see, I was pretty sure that I had a couple of broken ribs from when my dad kicked me.

This was not the worst of the many beatings I have had but it was definitely one of them.

After I finished looking at all of the damage they had done I proceeded to do my morning routine.

First I brushed and straitened my hair, then brushed my teeth and added my eyeliner. After I was done with that I walked back into my room and went to my closet to pick out my clothes for the day.

I decided on my back skinny jeans one of my many band tee's, and my black and white converse. When I was done, I opened my door slightly and looked in the hallway to make sure that no one was there. When I saw and heard nothing I quietly grabbed my bag and made my way down the stairs to the kitchen to grab something to eat. When I was done I grabbed my keys to my car and left the house, thankful that no one was awake.

When I got to school I parked in my usual spot, grabbed my bag out of the back, and got out.

Everything was hurting but I had to suck it up and act like nothing was wrong.

Even though I only have one friend - well unless you count Skylar, but we just met and don't even know each other - Alexander does not know anything about my home life. He never comes over. We always hang out at his house or someplace else. We might have been friends for as long as I can remember, but I am still not ready for him to know about that particular thing.

As I walked in through the front doors of my school, I saw Alex standing at my locker waiting for me. I walked up to him and poked him in the nose to snap him out of whatever daze he was in.

“Hello! Earth to Alex!” I said trying to get him to focus.

“Huh? What?” Was his reply.

“You seem to be a bit more spaced out then usual today. Is everything ok?” I asked him.

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