Something Different... Chapter 3

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AN: Hey guys! I am so so sorry that i have not updated in like what seems to be forever! Or is it just me that thinks that it has been forever? Oh well, guess it's just me. So I won't make an extremely long rant here, but yeah you guys get the point that I am sorry.

So I will try and update more often, but I have to wait for something to pop into my head. Anyways, I hope this chapter is really long, cause the last one ended up being really short.

Ok I have talk for long enough. Go read now my little pancakes!

Angel's P>O>V

Oh. My. God.

I was as still as a rock for what seemed like forever. Move stupid! That stupid little annoying voice inside my head yelled. Say something!

Finally snapping out of the daze I was in, I looked over to see Skylar looking worried. Why was he worried? It wasn't like I died or anything. Did i? Am I dead? No you're not dead! He is probably worried that you hate him now! Say something already!

“Um...” um? Really? How lame can I get?

He looked relived that I had finally woke up from whatever trance I had been in, but was also looking kind of shy and scared. Why? I should be the scared one. Not him.

He finally looked away from me and said in such a quiet voice that I almost missed what he had said.

“Sorry. I should not have done that.” And that was when I looked at him like he was crazy.

“Why are you sorry? There is nothing to be sorry about.” I said matter of fact.

He snapped his head to me in shock. Man! He was giving me a lot of different emotions in these few minutes just sitting in his car.

“You mean... You're not mad at me?”

“No... Why would I be mad if I liked it?” I asked him.

If possible, his shock grew even more then before, but said nothing.

“Uh... Are you O.K?” I asked slowly in fear that I would somehow... break him?

He seemed to suddenly snap out of it, and he smiled at me.

“Thank god! I thought that I scared off the first friend I had made...”

“Don't think that you will be getting rid of me so fast mister!” I said and laughed.

He laughed along with me and when we finally sobered up after laughing at nothing in particular, we sat in silence. I was about to say something when I realized that we were sitting in my driveway and that now my parents were probably going to kill me. I looked at the clock then and noticed that we had been sitting here for about a half-hour. Crap! I was going to be dead.

“Oh god! I am going to be in so much trouble!” I said as I started to get out of the car. “Ill see you tomorrow morning at school?” I said as I was about to shut the door.

He smiled and said, “Yeah. See you tomorrow.”

I smiled back at him as I ran towards the front door, preparing for the worst.

I walked into my house as quietly as I possibly could, hoping that I would get through unnoticed. No I would have no such luck. When I closed the door and turned around. My mother was standing there looking pissed.

And now it begins!

“And where exactly have you been? I told you to be home long ago!” She yelled in my face.

I could smell the alcohol on her breath. Great. Just what I needed. Everything was always worse whenever she drank.

I did not want to say anything. It would only make things worse.

She started to yell and scream at me, using my not answering her as an excuse to start hitting and kicking me.

This was going to be a very long night. I only wish I could be numb to it all and shut it out.

A/N: O.K guys please don't be mad at me! I know that I said I would update a really long chapter to make up for not uploading and and stuff, but lots of shit has happened recently. You all still deserve this though so here is my ridiculously short chapter. I know that this is probably the worst chapter so far, and I am seriously thinking about re-writing it. I feel as though I can do so much better... hmm

Anyways! Since I am at home today with a stupid back injury, I am going to try and right up another chapter for you guys.

Oh! Before I forget! Picture to the right ----> Is Angel <3

Check out the song of the chapter! I dont really think it has anything to do with it, I just really love that song right now! Linkin Park - Numb

SOOOO....... I'm gonna go and get writing!


Latter my little pancakes!

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