Chapter 1

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As I pulled my wet hair up into the towel, the annoyance was starting to take over. I didn't want to go out clubbing on a Thursday night, I had classes early tomorrow morning and a splitting headache from the argument I'd had just before with my boyfriend, Kyle. Of course, the argument was about going clubbing, and yet again he'd managed to completely overpower my decision and is basically forcing me out of the house. I walked out into our bedroom wrapped up in a towel, to find Kyle pacing back and forth in the doorway. Here we go...

"Ivy why are you taking so long!? I told the boys we would be there in 10 minutes! Hurry up!" He shouted, his hands flying everywhere. To anyone else this would be scary, but to me this was just a normal night.

"Kyle, I won't be ready in 10 minutes... And besides they won't care if we are what, 5 minutes late?" I fire back, knowing this will just stir him up even more.

"Do you not fucking get it? 10 minutes means 10 minutes, so hurry up before I drag you to the club in that fucking towel!" He screams, pacing out of the room and down the stairs. I roll my eyes, but I make sure he is well out of the room by then. I've learnt the hard way that I won't get away with something like that. 

I rushed into the wardrobe, grabbing the first slightly glamorous dress I saw, along with a pair of black heels and my underwear. I threw it on, trying not to over think how big my hips look or how my thighs didn't have gap between them. I ran to the bathroom, putting on as much makeup as I could. As I thought I was starting to look okay, I heard footsteps thudding up the stairs. Just like I thought, Kyle appeared in the bathroom doorway. The look on his face says it all.

"We are leaving right now." He says bluntly, grabbing my arm with enough strength to make me flinch. He leads me through the bedroom, and I grab my purse and phone off the end of the bed just in time as he practically drags me down the stairs and out the front. The cool air hits me straight away, and I knew I should have thought about bringing a jacket. I really don't want to be going out, but it's not like I have an option.

"I'm not drinking tonight, I could have driven." I say softly. 

"Well it's a bit late for that isn't it?" He snaps, finally letting go of my arm. Kyle's never been one to show affection in public, and I've always been okay with that. I suppose he's just shy with that stuff, but I've never really had the right to confront him about it seeing as we've never had sex. I took a vow within myself that I'd wait until I was completely ready, and I just haven't felt like that with him yet. He gets frustrated, but he understands that I'm not going to cave in with this one. He's tried so many times, and each time I shut him down it gets him angrier. 

We continued down the cold streets of Manchester, walking through the dodgy end of town. Every shadow that flickers across the pavement makes my heart beat a little faster, but I know Kyle will protect me if anything happens. Finally we see the lights of the club and Kyle's mates waiting out the front. They all start yelling and whistling as we approach them, welcoming Kyle and acting as if I'm invisible. I don't really mind though, it's not like I want to be there anyway. As we walk through the entrance, a group of girls stare at me and start whispering and giggling, and I know this night is just going to get worse. I hear Kyle say how many hot girls there are tonight, and just as I'd thought, things were deteriorating quicker than I'd imagined. 

I love Kyle, I really do. He has been my boyfriend for years, and I've never known any different. He's always been a little hot headed and I've just taken it as it comes and goes, but recently after his parents mysterious death he's been more on edge than usual. He's never dealt well with death ever since his best friend was murdered as a child, and you can't even mention it around without him flipping and leaving the room. He's extremely aggressive, and it all comes from how sensitive he is because he doesn't know how to handle things, and it frightens me. I've never felt 'safe' around him, but I try not to think about it. He loves me and I know he wouldn't hurt me unless I really stirred him up, like last time... 

- This is our first chapter, just let us know if you want the next chapter?

Alyssa & Chels. xx

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