Chapter 2.

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It was just after the death of Kyle's friend from his work that really rocked our relationship. I came home early from my biology class after a disturbing call from our neighbour, as he was concerned about loud noises coming from our apartment. I’d just started at Manchester University and moved into a beautiful apartment off campus to be with Kyle more, due to his work being so far from the UNI.

Although it was a short drive it felt like forever because I knew whatever was waiting at home for me was not going to be fun.

Rushing up the stairs and quickly retrieving my keys from my bag I could hear the crashing of objects against the front door. I slowly turned the key and pushed, but was quickly stopped when our couch was blocking the door way only allowing me to peer inside. Placing my hand on the door frame and my eye in the small gap I see my bloody and distraught boyfriend throwing valuable furniture all over our new apartment.

"Kyle, what are you doing? Stop!" I yell trying to catch his attention, just as the words leave my mouth I spot out the corner of my eye my mothers antique lamp flying across the room, coming straight at me. Not knowing what to do I quickly slammed the door shut, hearing it shatter into pieces. 

"Kyle it's just me...Ivy" I scream, hoping he will come to his senses. The slamming of the objects stops and behind the closed door I can hear panting and what almost sounds like crying. I hear the couch being pushed away and the door slowly opening to reveal Kyle covered in blood. I glance at him as tears begin to fall from my eyes. What happened to my boyfriend? 

He reaches out for me and pulls me in for a tight hug resting his chin on top of my head. 

I push away softly not wanting to cause more drama as I quietly whisper "What is going on?"

Kyle pushes his back up against the door and slowly slides down to the floor, and crawls up into a ball. 

I bend down placing my hand on his forearm rubbing it gently in the hope he will open up to me. 

"M-Mark" He stutters.

Mark? Who’s Mark? I thought to myself.

"Uh, Mark?" I question.

"Dead.. He's dead." He just makes out, his tears making his words slur.

I rest my head on his biceps and reach my arms around him rubbing his back.

"It's going to be oka-"  But before I can finish, Kyle pushes me off him in a sudden burst of rage, and stands up above me, making me feel so intimidated.

"No, it's fucking not going to be okay, is it? He's dead and there is nothing anybody can do about it!" He screams, louder than anything I've ever heard. And with that, he lifts me off the ground by my hair, shoves me against the wall, making a loud thud, and starts shaking me like I'm nothing more than a child’s doll. 

"Does it look like it's going to be okay now, huh? Tell me it's going to be okay, fucking tell me I dare you!" He screams in my face, giving me goosebumps. 

'This isn't my Kyle, he would never hurt me...' I keep thinking to myself. I try to calm myself, knowing what is coming next. And just as I'd imagined, I feel the burn of Kyle's palm against my cheek. Tears prick in the corners of my eyes from the impact, but I refuse to cry, it's what he wants. 

"I said TELL ME!" He screams once more, before I feel my body being tossed to the ground as though I weigh nothing. 

That’s when everything went black. I can’t remember what happened after that, but all I know is that when I woke up, I was in the exact spot Kyle threw me, and he was no where in sight. I put my hand out to help myself up, and my whole body was aching with pain. I know for a fact that it wasn’t just the impact from being thrown to the floor that is causing this much pain. Kyle would have taken his anger out on me knowing I wasn’t conscious to take it in, that the boy I was hopelessly in love with would do such a thing to me. I knew he was an angry person, but I’d never thought he’d do something this dangerous to someone he loved. 

I'm quickly snapped back into my thoughts as I hear Kyle's cackling laughter coming from beside me. I shudder, terrified because I know how quickly his emotions can go from gentle to chaotic within a split second. Leaving him has never been an option though, he needs me just as much as I need him. We are unique, and if people knew what we had been though they would tell me I'm crazy to stay with him, but no one understands.

His laugh quickly comes to a halt, and I turn around to see where is glare is focused. I keep looking around to see a dark figured male staring at me. I catch his eye, and I see him look me up and down, and I'm not sure how but I manage to feel even more uncomfortable than before. I don't have a second to think before I hear Kyle grumble beside me.

"What the fuck are you looking at mate?" He questions, pointing at the man. And just as I'd thought, the dark figure comes towards us, getting bigger as he approaches. 

"Nothing man, just checking out the bar." His thick, soft voice clearly states, obviously not as scared of Kyle as he'd hoped. 

"Yeah, well if I catch you looking at my girl once more, I'm gonna make you wish you didn't leave your Mummy's side." Kyle threatens, his last comment making the slowly growing crowd snicker. 

In the light I can get a better look at this mysterious boy. His hair is dark and slicked up perfectly, messy but classy all in one. I scan his face, and by the length of his stubble, he doesn't care how scruffy he looks. I continued down his body, his leather jacket was faded, and his sleeves were rolled up his forearms showing off his tattoos on his arms. I imagined he'd have a full arm tattoo, and more spread across his torso. His black skinny jeans fitting his hips and legs perfectly, and I could see the outline of a cigarette packet in his pocket. His thick black combat boots he wore on his feet topped off the dark, dangerous look. His eyes though, that's what caught my attention the most. They are the most beautiful colour of brown I've ever seen, and the small freckle in his left eye made them so unique. They were intoxicating, and I found it hard to stop gaping at them. I will never forget the first time I stared so deeply into those eyes. He was, to put it simply, breathtaking. 

I was brought back to reality when the boy turned to walk away, and I could no longer stare at his perfectly structured cheek bones. Just before he took a step, Kyle had to open his big mouth. 

"Where do you think you're going? Don't think you're getting away that easily." The arrogance in his voice was enough to make me feel sick. I knew this would happen, and of course it was my job to try put a stop to it. 

"Kyle it's not worth it, not tonight." I calmly whispered into his ear. I tried to take his arm in my hand, and as I reached out to him he shoved me back. This was all too familiar. 

"Bloody stay out of it Ivy" I shouted as I stumbled back into the crowd, falling to the ground. I was in shock, he'd never done this in public before, he'd always waited until we got home to take out his anger on my fragile body. 

Before I could even get to my feet, Kyle crashed to the floor next to me. I heard the whole club gasp in shock, and I looked up to see the boy holding his freshly busted knuckles. 

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