Chapter 6.

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All I can think is that this is going to end badly. I don’t even know this ‘Zayn’, and he’s saved my life twice within 24 hours. I’m so confused.

I mean why would he care?

How does he know where I live?

Why does he want to help me of all people?

All kinds of questions and theories begin rushing through my mind, and as quickly as my focus was taken away from the two aggressive men in my hallway, it was bought back by the sound of a lamp hitting the wall. I look up to see Zayn ducking for cover and Kyle’s chest heaving heavier than before. Thank god the lamp missed Zayn...

Wait, shouldn’t I be on my boyfriends side? As much as I try and think that I should be stopping this to protect Kyle, I can’t help but think this is what we... I, needed. I know I can’t do this anymore, especially after the way he treated me tonight, and I’m done. I’m sick of all this drama and hurt, and I know the longer I stay with him the worse it’s going to get. I love him and all but I’m only eighteen for christ sake. I should be having fun with friends and bonding with my father, but I don’t have any of that, and it’s what I’ve always been looking for. It just took a complete stranger to help me realise it.

“You have absolutely NO right to walk in on my girlfriend naked with me.” Kyle bellows, staggering towards Zayn. I need to stop this, I can’t have this boy beaten to a pulp in front of my own eyes. I’ve experienced first hand what Kyle is capable of when he’s drunk, and although Zayn did hit him last night, it was a cheep shot and Kyle wasn’t ready, but now he is and it’s going to be dangerous for everyone.

“Didn’t look like she had a choice?” Zayn questions, tensing his jaw in frustration, taking off his jacket and getting ready to retaliate. Kyle is getting closer to him, and without thinking I jump to my feet and run to get between them.

“Kyle, stop, just stop!” I plea, tears still streaming down my face. I don’t even know this boy anymore.

“Ivy don’t fucking start.” He says, his fist reaching out to connect with my face. I clench my eyes shut, and when I don’t feel anything I open them to see Zayn’s hand catch Kyle’s just before it hits me. I let out a breath I didn’t even realise I was holding in. 

Zayn’s entire body moves in front of me, and he grabs Kyle by the throat, forcing him against the wall.

“You gonna hit her? You gonna hit a girl? You fucking better think again!” Zayn screams, using his free hand to hit Kyle repeatedly in the stomach. There is something about Zayn, he looks so dangerous but when he opens his mouth it’s like heaven. I see Kyle bend over in pain, but I can only focus on the way that his mysterious, attractive boys muscles are contracting and bulging through his perfectly fitted plain white t-shirt.

I haven’t felt this feeling in my entire life. I can’t even see straight, but I can somehow manage to see him perfectly. It’s like his presence is intoxicating me and I can only focus on him. I watch his every move, and I can almost feel every emotion coursing through his body.

His fist collides with the eye he damaged last night, and I hope Kyle is in so much pain right now, because I know exactly what it feels like. I can here a crunch when he winds up and smacks Kyle in the nose. As much as I’m enjoying him have a taste of his own medicine, this is too dangerous. What if he kills him? I’d have a murderer on my hands! The thought alone makes me feel sick.

Zayn’s fist is still destroying Kyle, and I’m yet to make a move. I’m captivated by this hero. I’ve finally found a source of safety, and if he keeps going and this gets bigger than it needs to I might have that taken away.

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