Chapter 3.

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Unknown muscular arms wrap around me tightly as I get hauled up onto my feet. Taking a quick breath I pull my short black dress that had risen to high for my liking, down to just above my knees.

Oblivious to the fact someone just went out of there way to pull me up I quickly turn around to thank them feeling as rude as ever.

The crowded club doesn't do me any favours as everyone towers over me to get a glimpse of what I suspect to be my unconscious boyfriend.

Ignorant of the fact my foolish boyfriend is hurt, I make it my mission to find the kind hearted person who went out of there way to help me.

A strange feeling inside me hopes it was the boy with the busted knuckles. My eyes dart around the room to then stop at the flashing exit sign to see the boy who punched Kyle exiting the front door.

Deliriously I stumble through the pack of what it seems to be like drunk children after seeing there first fight.

I stagger out side to the front of the club almost tripping over a unseen gutter because of my stupid high heel shoes, I knew I shouldn't have worn them but the way Kyle looked at me when he saw what I was wearing, I’m glad I slightly dressed up. The sudden breeze from the painfully cold winter night hits me much faster then I thought it would, leaving me short-winded, but I continue to walk down to a near by wooden bench to catch my breath. I knew I should have brought a jacket... 

“Is this night going to get any better?” I murmur. 

I stand out the front of the club scanning the dark street for this anonymous boy for 10 minutes until my senses kick in and I decide to give up on the fact this boy clearly doesn't want to be found. The fresh air has sobered me up making me feel much better as I make my way back into the club to go and check on Kyle.

My senseless and idiotic boyfriend still lays face flat on the ground with no one surrounding him, Where have they all gone?  

I sit Kyle up and lean him against the only wall not taken by drunk idiots making out. 

"Would you be able to get me a cold towel I can wrap around his head?" I ask the nearest bartender, he nods and walks off across into the crowd of people and to the other side of the club.

I caress Kyle’s face while the bartender takes forever to get the towel, Kyle is alarmingly hot and I haven't done how to treat people being unconscious in my class yet. I just need to stop doubting myself.. You can do this Ivy. 

The bartender runs back with a bag of frozen peas and a cold towel, the frozen peas on my already freezing hands release a sharp pain making my fingers cramp up and begin aching, but nothing could stop me from helping him right now. I neatly fold the towel in two and place the peas gently on the back of his neck securing the packet tightly with the towel.

I knew I shouldn't have come, it’s all my fault Kyle got hit, I know how protective he is of me. I can't help but blame myself all the time and I need to stop. Why do I feel this is my fault? Kyle was the one that started this whole drama, I don't know how long I can take this.

With a sudden tap on my shoulders I am awoken out of my back and forth thoughts to see Kyle's best mate James stood in front of me.

"Ivy, we are going to take Kyle home to our house so he we can look after him, do you want to come to ours or do yo-"

After this long night all I want to do is go home and be in my warm bed and not have to deal with Kyle's shit anymore.

"Home." I blurt out not letting James finish his sentence.

"Home it is then." 


The agonizing pain from my head awakens me as I lay flat on my back. Millions of thoughts rush through my head about last night, leaving a throbbing pain.

I cant help but feel this ‘relationship’ isn't working out. Why does Kyle think he can control me so much? I am my own person. But what can I do? I say this every Friday morning after a massive blow out at the bar, this is just your typical Ivy, gets forced out for the cheep drink Thursday by her over-protective boyfriend and then comes home alone because Kyle's outbursts. 

My time left being in my warm bed comes to a end when my my thoughts are interrupted with the ringing of my phone alarm, it must be 6:30am. I sit myself up as I feel the warm air in the room brush against my sleepy face. Turning my body I place my feet on the wooden floor beneath me as I pull myself up. The ringing in my head is stronger than usual as I walk myself into the bathroom. Sliding open the top drawer I begin to sort through all of Kyle’s crap, trying to find something that will relieve the pain in my head. 

Although I wish that this stupid headache would stop me from going to classes, it can't. My major end of term project is coming up and and I can't miss anymore dates for this semester. 

After a few stressful minutes I finally found a packet of Panadol. The relief it brings over me makes me feel 100% better. 

The clock ticks over to 6:40am and I begin to panic, in spite of the fact that my first class starts at 9:30, I still need to have a shower and pick out an outfit, then go and pickup a hungover Kyle to drop him at work. 

I quickly strip off my dirty black dress from last night and let it drop on the floor as I stepped into the shower. I struggle to turn on the shower as the last person to use it was Kyle, he always turns the shower knob too far making it so tight to unscrew, this is not what I need right now...

After fumbling around with it I finally turn it on as the cold water spurts out allowing me to wake myself up a bit. The water begins to even out as the sensation of the warm water trickles down my body, letting all memories and thoughts of last night escape my head and go down the drain as well. 

Trying to keep my time in the shower as short as possible, I exit the shower cursing under my breath, of course I forgot a towel. 

What else can make this day any worse?

(Hey guys! Thank you all for reading it would mean a lot if you share it around!!! Plus we have just made a twitter for the fanfic to just upload manips it is: grudgefanfic if you wanna follow we will also write on there when we are going to update! Have a good new year!) 

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