Chapter 4.

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I hurry to find an old towel hanging on the back of the chair in our room, quickly wrapping it around my now shivering body. Winter is probably my favourite season because I don't have to wear short shorts or dresses, and I can cover up my body in track suits and Kyle's oversized sweaters. I make my way back over to the wardrobe, sorting through the possibilities of what to wear. I settle on a pair of skinny black jeans and Kyle's grey sweater, big enough to cover the top half of my legs so I don't have to worry about people staring and making me feel uncomfortable all day. 

I check the clock and it's now quarter past 7, I must have taken longer than anticipated in the shower. I quickly rush into the bathroom, putting on my foundation and mascara with more precision than last night. When I finally feel comfortable, I make my way to the kitchen to make myself a well deserved coffee. Just as I fill the kettle up and start to boil it. my phone rings from upstairs. I sprint up the stairs and answer just in time. I didn't even have to check the name on the screen, I knew who it would be. "Ivy?" Kyle's scratchy, hungover voice sounds from the other end. "Yeah, I'm just about to leave." I lie. "Hurry up babe." He tries to say as sweetly as he can before hanging up. 

I'm not a fan of pet names, but Kyle insists on calling me babe and all kinds of other cringe-worthy things, when we aren't in public of course. I can't bring myself to tell him how much I hate them though, it's one of the most affectionate things he does towards me. Apart from sleeping in the same bed and the usual kiss, Kyle and I are not really advance sexually in our relationship, which is fine by me, but stirs Kyle up a fair bit. I know his friends give him a hard time for it, but it just shows that he really loves me by staying with me. 

I think about mine and Kyle's relationship as I brush my teeth and put my hair up into a messy pony tail, and get ready to leave the house. No breakfast or coffee this morning, but I suppose it won't hurt. It's 7:45am by the time I get in the car and leave the house, and Kyle needs to be at work by 8. I need to drive quickly to James' or else it's going to cause a fight. 

I drive as fast as I can but still managing to take in the scenery. I don't really like this part of town, it makes me feel uncomfortable, and almost dirty. Each passing house is more run-down than the last, and you can tell the people living in them wouldn't even realise how disgusting they were. I make sure to lock my doors, because there isn't much traffic around and if something happens, I'd prefer to be locked up safe than to have anyone be able to break into the car. 

Finally I make it to James' with 10 minutes to spare. Thank god it only takes about 7 minutes to get to Kyle's work, he will be there just in time. He is an apprentice builder, and he works really long hours for not much money. School was never his thing, so this really was the only option. He constantly complains about it, blaming me for distracting him from high school with my problems so he missed out on his chance at an education. But still, I feel guilty anyway because I know he isn't happy.

I pull the car into the driveway behind a dodgy, older looking car, and honk the horn. There is no way I am going into James', who knows what kind of people stayed their last night. Within 10 seconds Kyle comes out the door, looking rough as hell. I bet he's regretting going out just as much as I am. 

He gets into the car, slamming the door and rests his head against the fogged up window. He seems tense, and I'm not sure how to approach him, so I just lean over and kiss him softly on the cheek. "How are you feeling?" I ask, knowing it's going to go one way or the other. "How does it look?" He fires back. 'He's only like this because he's tired', I tell myself."Show me your face." I say with a frown and I slowly shift his head around so I can get a better look at his black and blue eye and cheekbone. "Don't, I'm fine, just drive." He flinches out of my touch and the tension in the car has risen. I don't need this drama on a Friday morning, I don't have the weekend to get out of the house and escape his anger outbursts. So I just do as I'm told, and drive the rest of the way in silence. 

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