Crown of King Aurthur

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I quickly pull on my jacket and bag over my shoulder then run out the door. I was already late to class. Running down the hallways my boots click on the ground as I pass people leisurely walking. I slow down as I see the door come into view.

I was currently working on my African Mythology degree. I already had  3 European, 4 American, and 3 Asian mythology degrees along with 2 Ph.D's. I loved knowledge I knew everything about mythology, always learning more.

As I enter there class everyone starts leaving.

"Dammit!" I whisper shout to myself. I walk hastily towards the professor sitting at his desk. "I am so sorry I missed class, I was caught up with the ancient ruins homework and-"

"Delany, stop." He says and looks at me. "I have a proposition for you. I give you your degree right now and you go get yourself a job and leave school."

"But sir, this is my first African Mythology degree and I really would like to finish this course to get that degree. I don't want to just be given it I need to work for it. And why do I need to leave school is my life."

"That's exactly why you need to leave! You need to go out into the real world and get a life." Now he was standing in front of me.

"Sir I beg to differ," I start but never finish.

"Delany, your degree will be in the mail by Friday now leave." He points to the door. Defeated I turn around and he slightly shoves me out.

I walk through the hallways back outside slowly and towards my apartment which was just off campus. I stop by a small coffee shop and sit down on a barstool. Kevin the barista slides a croissant my way and I smile at him thankfully. He always seemed to know when I would be down.

I sulk in silence listening to the hum of the coffee shop and eating my croissant.

"Delany Quibbler?" A males voice says interrupting my sulking.

"Yes," I turn and see a man with dark hair and crazy eyes sitting next to me. He looked like an entrepreneur or a very chic homeless person.

"I would like you to come join me with a few problems I seem to be have if," he says.

"I'm sorry, but I just got kicked out of college I really would just like to sulk in peace." I say and turn back to my croissant.

"Well I would love to have a Mythologist on my team," he says. How does he know I'm a mythologist? He continues to explain how he was once just like me. Took too many college classes, got too many degrees and eventually was kicked out. He says how he got a letter 10 years ago for a job opening at a library. He tells me I got the same letter but never showed up. He then continues by asking why I never showed up for the interview.

"I was in a car accident, my taxi driver wanted to commit suicide so he rammed into a semi truck with me in the back. I broke my leg, 3 of my ribs, fractured my spine and went into a coma after surgery." I explains and look down. "I got the letter later that month when I woke up and was allowed to go home."

"I'm sorry," the man says.

"It's fine," I say and then look at the crazed man. "Now you know who I am, who are you?"

"I am Flynn Carson, the Librarian."


"Magic is real," I whisper as we all step through a door leading into a gigantic library. The group walks forward and I stay where I am then slowly start to wander. Everyone else went straight down the center isle but I ventured off. Brushing my fingertips over each cover I stare astonished.

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