Apple of Discord

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"Dragons?" I ask for like the 7th time.

"Yes Dragons!" Flynn answers for the 7th time. I wasn't wrapping it around my head that dragons exist. A huge knocking sound vibrates throughout the Annex. After a few seconds Flynn asks. "Where's Ezekiel?" He then rushes off and runs after Ezekiel but I think he's too late cause I can hear them all arguing at the door.

They come back with an old Asian man behind them. He's a dragon? The dragon man then starts talking about a magical pearl being stolen from him. He tells us to go fetch it but because Ezekiel had been the first to open the door he was to be the arbiter. Ezekiel then chooses Jenkins as his councilor.

Before leaving I approach Ezekiel.

"Please don't do anything... just don't do anything you would normally do." I say then continue. "The last meeting ended with one of the biggest earthquakes in the world. Killing thousands of people, just don't let that happen again. Okay?"

"Okay," he says after a little while. I nod and go through the back door ending up in Rome with the others.

"Okay now we need to find the Vatican, easiest landmark." Flynn mutters.

"Uhh Flynn," I respond realizing where we are. He looks at me. "We are on the Vatican." Just as I say that the Pope walks by.

Quickly we all leave the roof and end up in the streets near a fountain. Just as the police come out Cassandra figures out the pattern and a hole opens up in the ground. Not really thinking we all rush into the tomb and the hole closes up before the police find us.


"It's the one on the right!" I shout at Jacob.

"How can you be sure?!" He shouts back. Right now we were in a sticky situation. The room was filled with flying arrows. Flynn was in a barrel and Jacob was under a small table with the 3 pearls. One of them was the real pearl and I knew which one it was.

"Look at the boxes. The one on the right is Asian, the-"

"Ichiboku style, right!" Jacob finished then grabs the pearl. The flying arrows stops and we can all walk through freely.

Jacob then walks out and closes a gate locking us in the room.

"Jacob!" We all shout and rattles the gate. In his hand was no longer the pearl but a golden apple.

"Oh no," Flynn says as Jacob walks away. "He has the apple of discord."


After finding our way out we find Jacob in an art gallery picking fights with the guards. In the process he drops the apple.

After all being ridiculed by the guards we finally leave and find that Cassandra is no longer with us. But what could a girl like her do? I mean sweet innocent Cassandra.

After searching for a little over 30 minutes we find her getting ready to basically blow up all of Europe. After Jacob says something she drops the Apple passing out and being the idiot I am I pick it up not really knowing what it'll do to me.

I walk out of the power plant unnoticed and call Jenkins. He opens a door for me and I walk through. I see all the other dragons and scoff.

I go upstairs and look around the more mythical objects and find what I'm looking for. A simple magic wand that was able to create earth shattering storms. I walk downstairs and watch as Jenkins stands up and looks at me. He was scared.

"Delany, what see you doing?" Ezekiel asks.

"Oh just casually going to use this wand to crest a storm covering the whole globe and do the one thing I've always wanted to do."

"And what would that be?" Flynn asks. I didn't even notice him and the others had followed me.

"You'll see," I say, but before I could go I hear something from Flynn. "What did you say?" I ask slightly petrified.

"April 7th, 2004." Flynn repeats louder. I drop the apple and feel tears in my eyes. That was the day I woke up from the coma. Flynn was the only one who knew. He also knew how much it ruined me. I hated talking about it and when I do it makes my brain all fuzzy like it just happened.

Cassandra escorts me out and we all take a seat in the hallway. We then realize that Flynn is still in there and holding the apple.

I was on the ground, knees to my chest and my head in my hands. All that was going through my head was the crash, the hospital and nobody coming to see me once I woken up then realizing none of my family or friends came to visit while I was comatose.

I stayed in school but it was a roller coaster of me fighting with mental illness problem. It's hard for me still today sometimes for me to get my hands to work with my brain. That's why I'm never doing anything in this group and why sometimes I just feel so useless.

"You mean this," I hear and look up I see Ezekiel holding the Apple with nothing happening to him. They all take a step back and I stand up.

"He's already the worst version of himself," I explain figuring it out. We all laugh a little seeing Flynn realize what happened and where he is.

In the end the apple was put safely away, the conclave or whatever was finished and I had gone to the room. I changed into athletic shorts, a sweatshirt, and some moccasins. I walk back into the Annex and go upstairs.

Reading short stories always made me feel better. I pull out a a book with a bunch of Greek Mythology stories and sit down right there on the ground. With the book in my lap I flip through the stories.

After reading a few, someone sits next to me after finishing the chapter I look over and see Ezekiel in sweats and a t-shirt.

"Wanted to see if you were alright," he says in between a question and a statement.

"Yeah I'm feeling better." I say and loom back at the story book. "Myths always make me feel better for some reason."

"Stealing things makes me feel better," he says. I shake my head and smile. "You know if you ever need to talk to someone, I actually am a really good listener."

I look up at him and nod my head. Ezekiel Jones world renowned thief, telling me he's a great listener when he already doesn't listen to any of us half the time. Kind of hard to believe but I do. Thieves notice things, things nobody else does.

"Maybe some other time," I stand up closing my book. Holding out my hand he takes it and I pull him up.

"We should probably go to bed." He says after a few seconds. I put the book back on the shelf and follow Ezekiel toward the stairs. Before we go down and out of sight I reach up slightly and give him a kiss on the cheek. "What was that for?"

"You're the only one who has come to me saying they are willing to listen. And I figured you wouldn't want anyone to see." I respond quietly. He chuckles and we head downstairs and to our rooms.

We both say our good nights and go our separate ways. I find Cassandra already asleep and I go under the covers of my bed and drift off as well.

Hopefully the next case goes by better than this one. It probably won't tho.

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