Rule of Thirds

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"You're seriously making me wear this?" I ask as I look down at the outfit Cassandra has chosen for me to wear. I was still in sweats and a tank top and it was our day off so I didn't really want to do anything.

"Yes, it's our day off and I want to make you look... not like you." She says and gestures to my get up.

"Fine, but I won't wear this in public."

"Come on! You'll look great trust me!" She says then leaves. Sighing I start to put on the outfit she gave me. All of it was her clothes cause there was no way this would ever be found in my closet.

I put on the evergreen sweater along with the floral skirt tucking it in slightly. I pull on the little ankle boots and a leather watch. She even had a necklace laid out for me. It was a pendant in the shape of the sun. I comb my fingers through my hair leaving it with its natural waves and I put on my usual makeup, foundation, mascara, and chapstick.

I walk into the Annex to do some more studying on the more magical pieces of mythology to see everyone in there. So it's our day off and we still choose to work? Librarian logic.

I walk towards the stairs and just as I pass the back door it open and Ezekiel rushes in carrying a painting. Most likely stolen. He bumps into me and an arm goes around my waist. He catches me before I could fall and I stand there, up against him, awkwardly.

"You're wearing a skirt?" He ask once he sees what I'm wearing.

"Yeah it's Cassandra's, she wanted me to look more... feminine." I say and give her a glare and she just smiles at me. Ezekiel's hand drops from my waist and before I could head upstairs the Clippings book urgently alerts us of a case in Chicagoland.

"Ahh! A STEM fair!"Cassandra says then anxiously waits in front of the back door. "Come on Jenkins! Open the door!"

"Okay, I guess we're going on a case." I say. "Let me just go cha-"

"No need let's go," Ezekiel says then pushes me through the back door.

We find ourselves in a high school hallway. I punch Ezekiel in the arm for not letting me change and he just laughs.

Someone with short red curly hair walks up to us and Baird takes over like usual.

Jacob and I tour one had of the gymnasium while Cassandra and Ezekiel tour the other. Baird goes off on her own to scope the place for any possible threats.

After looking at a few booths I start to become skeptical about the whole "apocalypse is going to start at a science fair" idea the book implied.

"And what are you working on?" Jacob asks a teenage boy standing in front of us.

"It's a baking soda volcano," the boy says nonchalantly.

"Finally, something simplistic." I stat silently.

"Hello and welcome to the world of magma. My project today is-" he starts laughing. "I'm sorry I can't do this!"

"Why not!" I respond slightly offended.

Jacob makes fun of him a little bit.

"I'm way out of my league." The boy says.

"No you're not!" I step forward. "You know what you are? You're an underdog. And all the greats were underdogs."

"Really?" He asks

"Yup now show us what you got!" I step back.

After a few minutes he flips a switch and the volcano does nothing. He re-flips it and the whole thing explodes. Jacob quickly pulls me close and I bury my head into his chest as the blast hits him mostly.

He pulls away slightly and we look around. Ezekiel, Cassandra and Baird stood nearby.

They say exactly what we saw.


After cleaning himself up and interrogating Leonard, Jacob comes back telling us that he isn't the source of all this.

We all split up trying to find something way out of the ordinary. I walk towards the front of the gymnasium and look through all the booths meticulously.

Cassandra then pulls us all together and starts to explain her idea of elimination then Jenkins joins in with something about the rule of thirds.

Jenkins gives Ezekiel some sort of device that detects magic and him and Cassandra go off to find whatever it is.


Back at the Annex Ezekiel brought back a phone from one of the students that was giving off loads of magical waves.

Jenkins and Ezekiel examine an app and find that it isn't actually a learning tool but a wish fulfillment spell - you wish to defeat your opponent, even subconsciously, and the spell will amplify that wish. According to Jenkins, the magic is far too advance, he calls it brutal, for Amy to have created it. Ezekiel says the code the app uses is also too advanced to have been created by Amy, and according to her phone records she has never used it.

Cassandra and I go back and talk to Amy without her mom around and we learn that her mom found off of a website and she only used it once because it didn't feel right using it.

Ezekiel hacks the website and we learn about the 27 users that are at the STEM fair right now. Rule of Threes, three times over.

"That is going to be a big feedback loop." I state looking at everyone.

"Damn right it is," Cassandra says.


After learning about Morgan le Fay, we all besides Baird find Amy and Cassandra starts asking questions. But I notice something first.

"Were you given this booth?" I ask and walk the round table. Amy nods her head and I look at Cassandra. She suddenly figures it out and we remove everything off the table and flip it over. On the bottom is a pentagram with 5 legs.

"We need to take the legs off and form around the gym in a circle of the pentagram." Cassandra says. "Stone can you map out the gym evenly?"

"I can map anything like a tachometer." He says then grabs tape and runs off to map out the star.

"Okay Delany go find Ezekiel, and gather as many phone as you can. Try and get everyone in the center of the room!" She orders and I run off.

God I hope this works.


"Lany here!" Cassandra throw me a leg and I head off to my corner. I find a small stool and step on it so I'm tall enough to reach the faraday cage.

Amy makes her speech about getting everyone in the center when it didn't work for me. Once everybody's in we raise our legs and the pentagram lights up like lightning.

I could feel the power coursing through me and into the cage. I hold the leg with both hands for about 5 more seconds then it's over. Everybody's safe.

We all meet up at the stage and announce the winner as Leonard the Volcano kid.

We all head back to the Annex and I go upstairs. I sit down on the ground legs out in front of me and sigh. I don't know if the others felt it, but all that magic coursing through me. It was exhausting.

I smile to myself knowing that we saved all those kids and start to doze off leaning against one of the bookshelves.

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