Aliens? Bodysnatchers? Same thing...

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"Aliens, I'm telling you its aliens!" Ezekiel exclaims.

"UFOs and aliens don't exist." Jenkins repeats. They've been bickering for over 5 minutes and it was getting annoying.

"Can we just go already?!" I suggest interrupting the two. Jenkins sets up the back door and before Ezekiel can get in a last word I grabbed his hand and pulled him through the others following close behind.

Ezekiel, Baird and I leave to go find Finch's abandoned car, while Jacob and Cassandra go to the archivist to talk about the lamps and history of the town.

While in the forest we find another lamppost. As I'm inspecting the base I hear some sort of war cry and look up to see Finch running towards Ezekiel.

Baird intercepts and knocks Finch over but when she touches the lamppost she starts to fade out of existence. Then poof! She's gone.

I turn to Ezekiel and he gives me a confused look. Finch groans sitting up but when I look at him his eyes are still glowing orange so I do the only thing I know. I kick him and knock him out.

"We're going to have to carry him," I look down at the body of Finch. That's when Ezekiel groans.


After interrogating Finch and figuring out he knows jack, we were back at the Annex going over his UFO equipment.

Jacob decided to go back and talk to the archivist and learn more about the gas lamps, while Cassandra, Ezekiel, Jenkins and I went back to further investigate he lamp.

While we are there Jenkins decides to do the most stupidest thing ever. He touched the lamp. Baird appears for a few seconds looking confused and trying to warn us.

Weird thing is Jenkins didn't disappear when he touched it.


Cassandra found a pattern so she and Ezekiel went off to follow it while I stayed with Jenkins. He was remodeling the goggles Finch had so that we could see all the energy waves of people.

I didn't do much but hand him tools while he enhanced them.

"Do you think Eve was trying to warn us?" I ask suddenly.

"Maybe, she looked a little discombobulated. But when these are done one of you should be able to see them all and more importantly Colonel Baird." He tightens a screw then sighs. "Now go find Ezekiel and Cassandra."

He hands me the goggles and I'm off. I jog into the town then through the forest. It took a few minutes to find them but I did and handed the goggles to Ezekiel.

"Woah!" He says after putting them on. "Hi Eve!" He waves to nothing and I look at him weirdly. He turns back to me then motions to the air. "She wants us to follow her,"

"Well then lets go!" I exclaim and push him to follow the ghost of Eve. "Cass you coming?"

"I think I'm going to follow my trail to the source of all energy. See you guys later!" She says and I just shrug.

My little legs could barely keep up with Ezekiel but I trusted him that he knew where he was going. Getting into town he gasps looking around.

"They're everywhere," he whispers. He continues to explain that all the townsfolk are being possessed by these energy forms. But all of them were dressed in 20th century clothing.

I turn around and see a woman her arm outstretched and eyes glowing orange. Without hesitation I punch her in the abdomen and as she's hunched over I knee her in the face and she's on the ground.

The Librarians: Season OneWhere stories live. Discover now