Fables of Doom

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Tumbling through the back door we find ourselves at the crime scene from the Clippings book. Baird convinces the sheriff that we were her for a traffic flow study, and he tells us what happened.

While examining the car Cassandra finds a pattern on the window. When she's trying to figure it out and she squints her eyes I take a handful of dusty dirt and blow it onto the window.

"Okay is it just me or does that look like a fingerprint?" Ezekiel asks no one in particular.

We all slowly nod our heads and Baird walks off calling Jenkins. Putting him on speaker we figure out that it's a troll we should be looking for.

Hanging up Baird gives us our orders and I walk off with Ezekiel to find the troll while the others go inspect the town.

Being the annoying person he is Ezekiel jokes about all the trees and trolls and I finally spot it.

"Ezekiel shut up," I say and nod my head towards a huge rock troll sitting down under a bridge. He stares at it then starts to back up but I push him towards it.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

"Grab a few pebbles," I say then elaborate. "Jenkins needs a sample or two."

"Why do I have to get the sample?" He complains.

"You're the man of the group!" I counter. There was no way I was going near that troll. Ezekiel sighs then walks over and grabs a few pebbles at the base near the foot.


We meet the others at a street corner and right as we get there we hear screams and see a humongous wolf prowling her way towards us.

I don't know why but I stood frozen still as the others backed away except Jacob, he grabbed an axe and threw it at the animal killing it.

"Does anyone else think this is peculiarly familiar?" I ask. The others nod their head.

"Fairy tales are coming to life," Cassandra responds quietly.


After retrieving the wolf, Jacob cut open the wolf to find a girl and we had to take her to the hospital. I walk around the corner to see Jenkins standing in front of a vending machine.

He's narrowed the cause of the trouble to the Libris Fabula, a book that when read can cause stories to come to life. At first only the stories currently in the book, but as it grows stronger any story can be made reality - he claims the Libris Fabula caused the Black Death. The book is powered by the life force of the people it's read to, as the book grows in power the people grow weaker.

Ezekiel presses a button and a bunch of nickels fall out of the vending machine. Eve and Jacob, walk off to the town library while Cassandra and Jenkins go through the hospital records. Ezekiel wandered off throughout the hospital so decide to roam the town.

I don't really know why but I was skipping trough the town letting my green skirt flutter. When did I ever own a skirt? I look down at my shoes and see green flats instead of my usual boot, but the weird thing was that they had white balls of fluffy on the toes.

After about an hour of walking around town noticing the little changes in everybody. I find my way back to the bar and see the others. I skip my way over but right when I get there the sheriff comes in and tries to arrest Ezekiel.

He then starts getting louder and his eyes glow red. We all run out before the whole place rattles and the windows shatter. We hide behind a truck all crouching low.

Ezekiel notices that we are all not as immune to the fairy tales as we thought.

"He's right, look Eve's a princess, Jacob's the huntsman, and Cassandra... well she's Prince Charming!" I add on.

"Yeah and you're tinker bell!" Ezekiel points out. I look into the reflection of he car and gasp. My hair was up in a bun and I magically had bangs falling in my eyes.

"Great, I'm a fairy." I cross my arms and blow my bangs out of the way.


Ezekiel has disappeared and the townspeople, the others and I, and the wolves were all locked in the town library. I wasn't really doing anything but distracting them while the others fought.

Then everything was going wrong. Jacob was pinned against a wall, Cassandra cornered, and Eve pinned to the ground. One of the football players portrayed by a wolf was in front of me in seconds and had my throat in his abnormally large hands. I was held up at least a foot off the ground struggling to breath.

This can't be the end of my story...

All of a sudden Jacob pushes back and starts acting like a robot, Cassandra has magical powers and scares the mutts away, while Eve becomes a ninja and fights them away. I'm still suspended in the air when I here.

"Let the fairy down," Jacob was aiming his axe at the mutt. But he wasn't scared instead his grip tightened around my throat.

Using the rest of my strength I kick him where the sun don't shine. He drops me and I fall to ground gasping for air. He scurried off after the others and I know we won.


We meet Ezekiel outside on the main road and he jogs up to us while the little girl he was with runs up to her father, the sheriff.

"Lany are you okay?" He asks looking genuinely concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine," I rub my throat. It was already starting to bruise.

We had all gone back to our normal selves out of those ridiculous costumes and personalities. I had on my jeans and signature boot and my hair was down with no more bangs.

Eve explains to the sheriff that it was swamp gas playing with all of our minds. Surprisingly he believes it and leaves us alone.

We head back to the Annex and Jenkins takes care of the books. We all go off to do our own things like it's just another Tuesday. Well this is our life now, as librarians that is.

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