The Minotaur

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"You traitor!" I whisper shout as I see Ezekiel try and escape. Then all of a sudden the hooded figure comes out of nowhere and brings him down. Cassandra hits her head rendering her unconscious and Jacob had already tried to fight his way out and failed. Now it's my turn.

I step out of the shadows and kick in the knees of the hooded figure once their down I go to kick them down farther but they catch my foot and pull me down hard. I land on my back and groan.

They stand up and pull off their hood revealing Colonel Baird. She helps me up and we all head back to the Annex.

"How are you guys supposed to defend yourselves when I'm not around?" Baird asks rhetorically.

Before Ezekiel can say anything I shut him up by hitting the back of his head.

"You have no say in this! You abandoned your team." I reprimand him.

"Let's just say I've been on my own for a long time and that's how I do things I run!" He says back.

I shake my head and we get inside. Baird quickly tells us that nobody should look at the Clippings Book cos we aren't ready yet. She leaves to go do guardian stuff and we all sit around.

"So are we doing this or what?" Ezekiel speaks and we all rush over to the Clippings Book. We find today and go through the mysteries.

"What did I tell you guys!" Baird says coming back after a few minutes.

"There are 8 missing interns. 8 people who are missing and possibly dead. And they all work for the same company!" Cassandra quickly says.

We get into an argument about the whole thing then finally Jenkins persuades Baird that we should go and be the librarians we are meant to be. He sets up this Einstein Rosen Bridge thingy and it brings us straight to Boston. Jenkins suggests that Jacob, Ezekiel and I change into more professional clothes and we do.

I had on a pair of light wash skinny jeans and brown cropped sweater. I kept my signature brown boots on and I pulled my blonde hair into a messy bun.

After Cassandra's little freak out about the wormhole we all head to Golden Axe Foods.


After talking to the CEO of Golden Axe Foods, we all follow the instructions to the Human Resources center while Baird goes off to do something else.

We go downstairs not really noticing how far down we were heading. I notice the change in scenery and point out the paintings on the walls.

"Greek frescos," I whisper.

"What now?" Cassandra asks.

"They tell stories." Jacob says then goes into a long monologue of how they all mean something different. I decipher that these are all about the Minotaur and start to get worried.

We find Human Resources and enter to see that it most defiantly was not Human Resources. Human skulls everywhere. The door behind locked shut so we start walking through everyone arguing.

"Guys shut up!" I whisper shout after hearing something. A roar of some kind. It comes again louder, closer. "Run!" We run through following Cassandra's brain grape.

We get out and find Baird she runs towards us but we tell her to turn around. Being her stubborn self she doesn't and starts yelling at us. Her face then goes white and we know she sees him. The Minotaur.

I pull out my phone and call Jenkins. Telling him we need a door. Urgently! Baird shoots the Minotaur but it does nothing but anger him more. Everyone else makes it to the door but the Minotaur grabbed my arm and flinged me the opposite direction.

I scream in pain as I hit a wall and fall to the ground before I black out the last thing I hear is Ezekiel's screaming my name.


I wake up my head pounding. Looking around I see nothing but skull filled walls shackles around my wrists I struggle.

"It's no use," a female voice says. I look up and through a bolted door the CEO stands there.

"You," I whisper. "You sold your soul so your company could be the greatest. Sacrificing 14 interns every 7 years."

Putting all the pieces together it starts to make sense.

"Exactly, now because you don't fit the profile you're going to slowly start to rot in this cell. And my friend here is going to go kill your friends." She says finally and leaves me.

I stand up the shackles making it hard for me to get any farther. I watch through the grate as the Minotaur turns into a human form and leaves after her.

"No you can't do this!" I scream and try to pull away only making my wrists hurt.

I check all my pockets hoping maybe I could find something to use against the shackles but find nothing. They took my phone, wallet, all my hair pins so my hair was down and all over the place.

I just hope the others can stop this whole Minotaur business before it takes anymore lives.

I sit down and continue to pull at the shackles until I finally give up and just cry.

"It's over,"


It's been hours, at least I think so. I'm not sure. I sat leaning against the wall and put my head in my hands. I was completely exhausted from doing nothing but worry and cry and just hope they could save everybody else.

They probably needed me, figuring this is an old Greek mythology tale. One of my many degrees studied Greek mythology only so I was stressed out that I couldn't do anything to help everyone.

I start to draw shapes in the dust distracting myself, until I hear shouts.

"I-I'm here!" I try to shout but my voice is hoarse from crying. Someone appears at the door but I couldn't fully see them as they fiddled with the lock. The door opens and I see Ezekiel and Cassandra standing there. I smile at him and he rushes forward and uses a lock pick to unlock the cuffs.

Once I'm free, my arms are around his neck and I'm mumbling how thankful I am.

"We got you," he whispers. "I wasn't going to leave you this time."

I bury my face in his shoulder and shed a few happy tears.

He helps me up and we follow the string making our way back to the door the Annex. I find everyone there we have a huge group hug and I thank all of them for not forgetting me.

Ezekiel and I head back to the bunker part of the Annex where we sleep. There was two rooms a girls and a guys. Right now we were in the girls. We sit down on my bed and I thank him again.

"Baird made me," he says. "I would've left you. It's my thing."

"Oh so before I passed out I didn't actually hear you scream my name that was just my imagination?" I ask jokingly.

"Nope!" He says.

"Well thank you for listening to Baird then."

"No problem." He whispers. "You should get some rest, you've had a hard day."

Before he stands up to leave I quickly give him a kiss on the cheek.

"G'night," I say softly he smiles at me then leaves me to put on some comfiest clothes and get some sleep.

I climb into bed and start to doze off wit the light still on and just before I fully drift off, the light turns off and I hear a soft.


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