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The dimensional Zenglurts from the planet Nartusion chased Rick and Morty from world to world. No matter which planet Rick jumped to with his portal gun, the monsters stayed close behind

"MORTY, JUST SHUT THE F- *(uuUuUUurp!)* FUCK UP!" He replied as they fell into yet another portal.

Morty dared to look back only once. Sure enough, the bulbous blob-looking heads with teeth still bounced towards them. The green blood-shot eyes of the largest one made eye contact, and gave a small voracious smile. Morty sprinted even faster to catch up with his blue-haired grandfather.

"Th-th-th-t-just give them what they want!"
Rick laughed as best he could with what little breath he had left.
"Don't be stupid, Morty. This thing is worth billions! There ain't no way in hell these bouncing shit-heads are getting it back!"

Rick stopped in his tracks, spun, and quickly shot the ground beneath the heads. They all sank through, giving the duo but moments to catch their breath before reappearing in a new portal behind them.

Rick grabbed Morty's hand and sprinted away once more.

"Crap! These Zenglurts will never stop.. unless.. quick, Morty, pee on them!"

Morty was nearly being dragged at this point, but still managed to lift his head from his skid mark enough to give a small whine.

"W-why, rick? That's g-g-gro... that's messed up!"

"Just listen, Morty. I'm going to stop. When I do, you have to pull down your pants and piss directly onto the Zenglurts! It'll piss them off Morty, trust me!"

"Well okay.."

Rick stopped to allow Morty to do the deed. The Zenglurts paused as they did, gnashing their teeth at the boy turning towards them.

"Here goes.." Morty said as his stream of piss splashed on their faces.
Sure enough, the Zenglurts contorted their faces in anger at the offensive gesture.

"Good Morty! Keep pissing, I'm almost done!"

"Doing what?"


Morty moaned at the typical response. The last of his reservoir of pee was running out, and the largest Zenglurt began to spasm less in rage.

"Okay! Qu-*(uuUuUuurp!)*-ick Morty!
Follow me!"

Rick shot a new green portal into the ground, and promptly leaped through.
Morty pulled up his pants and did the same, leaving the Zenglurts to wallow in sadness and urine.

The familiar falling sensation took over Morty, but it felt much longer than usual.
They finally appeared in an open field. A setting orange sun sank over the horizon, and a nearby mountain loomed behind them.

"Wh..where are we, Rick?" Morty asked cautiously.

"Fuck if I know. But those Zenglurts will have a hard time following us now. It's a brand new universe, one that no other Rick has been to before.. which is good, because I'm kind of tired of Morty battles."

"Me t-too.." Morty replied, rubbing one of his many bruises.

"Hey R-Rick, how did you know having me pee on the Zenglurts would work?"

"Because like all lifeforms, they don't like to be pissed on. Plus, it was funny. Now lets go. I have to figure out what to do with this bad boy." Rick said holding up the Zenglurt egg.

"I still think you should have just given it back..."

"You, think? That's a good joke Morty. Maybe you should stick to beating the shit out of other Morty's, and leave the thinking to me. Now, I think I can see a city over there. Let's go see what kind of people we're dealing with."

Once the pair arrives at the bustling city, their first stop was the nearest pawn shop.

"What do you mean, 40 gold? I need shmeckles, and a lot of them. Do you have any idea what this is? It's a Zenglurt egg you thick headed mor-"

"R-Rick let's just go. This is a new universe, like you said. They might not even have Zenglurts here.."

Rick turned his attention to his grandson.

"Fine. See ya later, you worthless mother fu-"


"Ugh, fine."

Once outside, Rick punched the shop wall.

"Fuck! what am I supposed to do with an egg I can't even sell. Monsters are worthless here!"

A passerby overheard the rant, and walked over to Rick and Morty.

"I'm sorry sir, I couldn't help overhearing you.
Did you say, monster egg?"

"That's right. What's it too you?" Rick snapped.

"Well, I'd return it to Mt.Ebott if I were you. Nobody wants a monster kid running around here, after all. Not after all that.."

"After all w-w-what?" Morty stuttered.

"Well, the great war. You see, long ago, monsters and huma-"

"Skip the history lesson. What's at Mt.Ebott fruitcake?" Rick interrupted.

"Why, nobody quite knows. But over 6 kids have disappeared on that mountain, and nobody knows why. We suspect the monsters we sealed away so many years ago may have a hand in their disappearance."

"So you people let over 6 kids vanish, and nobody ever went to investigate?"
Rick demanded.

"We would, but you see that mountain is forbidden. We aren't even allowed to travel to it's base.. "

"Well, it's as good a start as any. Let's go ,  M- *(uuuUUuuUp!)* -orty!"

As the duo began to head to the mountain, the man followed behind.
"Uhh.. you can go away, now." Rick suggested.

The man's face dropped.
"O-oh. I thought you were inviting me along. I'm so lonely here. And bored.."

"N-no. Thank's but, we don't need some creepy lonely guy following us everywhere. Goodbye."

They walked away again. Morty glanced behind and noticed the man still following, albeit at a distance.

"Uhh.. R-Rick?"

"Hey, I said FUCK OFF!" Rick yelled, quickly turning and aiming his gun at the man.

"Awh hey not cool! I just wanna help... this is no way to treat people!" He grumbled but walked away.

"Hate when people do that. This is our adventure dammit. Don't need anymore characters following us, no matter how quirky."

"Yeah," Morty agreed, "that would get annoying real fast. Two is enough!"

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