Skeletons and Dogs

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"So, where did she say she was going, Rick?"

"Uh something about snails. anyways, it's time we got out of here!"

"Awh. I wanted to say goodbye."
"Goodbye's are meaningless M-*(UuurRp!)*-orty. Just another way for people to assure themselves their presence actually meant something. It doesn't, so get over yourself." Rick replied.

After Rick woke Morty up the next (morning? Impossible to tell), they had set off again past the large door. They were met by an even longer hallway.

"You're wrong you know, R-Rick. Saying goodbye is worth more than that. Not everyone is only looking out for themselves, you know! Not everybody is miserable like y-you!"

"Yeah whatever Morty. Thanks for the life lesson. My eyes have been opened. Of course, how could I have not seen it before?! People don't all suck! Whoa!"

"S-screw you Rick..."


Rick and Morty both jumped. In their argument, they had nearly stepped on Flowey.

"Oh Christ, not this thing again.. and hey, it was you that tripped us, up on the mountain, wasn't it?" Rick demanded.

"Why, I would never! Unless of course, I was super, super bored. Which I was. Besides! You got to meet Toriel! ..Unfortunately for her, huh Rick?"
Flowey laughed a demonic laugh that sent shivers down both humans spines.

"What do you want, you weed?" Rick asked.

"Oh, nothing. For now. I have a much better idea than simply killing you now.. I want you to just have fun!" He chuckled again, then with a wave of a bulbous, barbed vine, dove back into the earth.

It was silent for a moment, save for distant drippings echoing throughout the dark cave.

"What did he mean, Rick? By 'unfortunately for her'? What did you do?"

Rick said nothing. Instead, he continued forward out the final door, ushering in a wave of cold air.

"Let's go, Morty. Let's sell this egg and just get out of here." He took another swig of the sketchy liquid in his flask and let out a deep burp.
Morty followed suspiciously. He wanted to know the truth, but he felt like he already knew.

The next area was cold- Snow blanketed the canopies of the surrounding trees, and covered the ground in a never-ending sea of white powder.


"I wouldn't think too much on it, Morty. On any of it."

They eventually made it to a wide gate. The bars looked like they were meant to keep something large out... or in.


"Shh.. I think I hear something.

The crunching of snow was clear. And close.

"*aren't you guys goin' to say hello to your new friend?"

A deep voice asked.

"I'm.. I'm too terrified to move, Rick..."

Rick grudgingly turned to meet the newest threat, and immediately punched it in the face.

"GAH! Take THAT mother fucker! Tryin' to sneak up on us! Tryin' to kill us! TRY IT!"

The creature he punched barely budged from the impact.
Its hollowed skull stared Rick in the eyes. It wore a blue hoody, slippers, and little else.. not that there was much to cover.

"Y-your a skeleton!"
Morty cried.

"*heh. yep. and you're a human.
and you.." he began, turning back to Rick.

"*shouldn't try that again."

Rick backed up against the gate.
"What uhh.. what do you want?"

"*nothin' really. my brother told me to be on the lookout for anymore humans he can capture. heh.. my job is done. you guys are new though. really new."

"Uh yeah we sort of fell in here.. headfirst." Rick admitted.

"heh. sounds to me like you've got a real head for adventure." Sans joked.

"Hey yeah Rick. We've really had our ups and downs on this one."

Sans chuckled at the attempt.
"*I like you guys. tell you what, my breaks just about to start. how about you join me for some grub at Grillby's?" The skeleton offered.

Rick was on board.
"Hell yeah! I could slam a few drinks right about now."

"*m'kay. follow me."

The duo followed Sans past his guardhouse, and suddenly found themselves in a lively bar.

"Whoa, wait what?"
"Rick, I'm confused! We were just outside, uh, right?"

"*just a little shortcut. hey uh, Rick was it? join me at the bar."

Rick followed him and sat down on a bar stool. It made a loud *thbtttt* noise as he did.

"*heh. better out than in, huh?"

"That wasn't m- oh.. a whoopee cushion," Rick realized, "okay funny guy, how the hell did you get us here? I didn't see you use a portal gun.. you have some sort of cybernetic enhancements implanted into your brain or something? Like a Zenglurt?"

Sans just smiled.
"*or something." He tapped his left eye.

Morty meanwhile began chatting with Lesser dog. The conversation wasn't very lively, however he did get to see how the dog played cards against himself.
And lose.

The dumpy dog gave a small whine.
"Awh it's okay boy." Morty extended his hand to the dog-knight. Its neck jutted skyward in excitement while its tail wagged furiously.

"Wow.. h-hey Rick come look at this!" He laughed.

Rick was still trying to get Sans to spill his secrets.

"Even without a portal though, that's unheard of!"

The flaming bartender Grillby slid over a frothy glass of liquid to Rick, and a bottle of ketchup to Sans.

"Whelp you tight-lipped fuck, here's to.. whatever I just need a drink."

"*heh. I can drink to that."

The plastic *thumped* against the glass and they both downed their drinks.

"Well we'd better get going. If you won't buy this egg I still have to find someone who will."

"*sure thing. first though, I should mention something. you seem like a man of science. if I told you about time-loops, would you understand?"

"Uhh.. sure. I've made a few of those."

"*cool. that's all."
Sans got up then left the bar.

Rick looked over to see Morty still petting lesser dog, who at this point had no more room in the bar to stretch its never ending neck.

"Jesu- Morty! Quit petting the damn dog before you make a rip in space and time!"

"Awh.." both Morty and the noodle-necked dog sprawled out on the floor whined. "Hey rick.. I've been meaning to ask you. How did that egg even survive the fall? I mean, your portal gun broke, I broke like.. well, something. I don't know what, but it's broken. So how is the egg still good?"

"Zenglurt eggs can only be broken from the inside Morty. It's part of what makes them so valuable. Cuz their parents you know. . are heads. That move by bouncing."

"Oh. That's c-cool. I guess."

"Yeah Morty. It's very cool. Now let's go."

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