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I showed up to star labs with Barry and noticed the nerd duo putting equipment into a van.

"Nice are we going on a field trip?" I ask walking up to cisco and stealing a bit of liquorice from him.

"We're going to a vacant air field to test out your abilities on a larger scale." Catlin  confirms. Okay. Does that mean i get to break things? "Hopefully this will minimize the risk of injury to yourself and others."

"Aww i wanted to injure Barry." I mostly joke.

" you still can." Cisco says grinning.

" what?" Barry asks alarmed.

"we need to see how her abilities work against people  and you'll heal." He explains.

Barry begrudgingly agrees to be my test dummy and starts to prepare.

"First toys." Cisco says giddily. " now i know you said no supersuit so instead i made you these." He holds up a pair of raybans sunglasses. I raise my eyebrow. " put them on." I do as I'm told. "So the sunglasses work as a communicator you'll see everything I'm saying being put into subtitles it works with anyone around you. For long distance as long as have one of these over our mics we can talk to you in the field like we do Barry. " He says holding up a mic cover. "Now in battle the subtitles might be distracting ao you can turn off the subtitles for your immediate surroundings so you can only hear us back at star labs." He finishes explaining.

"Thats really cool thanks Cisco." I say honestly sound waves are hard to read especially when trying to distinguish speach for backgroung noise. "I know the naming is your thing but i kind of have an idea for my codename." I add he looks curious. " one of my friends who was killed, Amanda she was crazy but she gave us all nicknames. Mine was Music. So i was thinking Muse. Like the greek goddesses." I suggest and he nods.

"Muse, i like it. Welcome to team Flash Muse." He grins. "Now go beat up the Flash."

I stand opposite Barry who looks slightly scared.

" we're going to play a recording of traffic. We aren't going to be able to make sounds for you to use in the field so you need to use whats around you. Try to make the soundwaves solid but silent and send them towards Barry." Caitlin orders. I try and do as she says first making the waves so smal they were almost silent then condencing them. I sent them at Barry and he was pushed back slightly.

"Come on muse you can do better than that!" Cisco shouts and a breath in and close my eyes. I open them and look for every little wave and push them together using my hands to help me focus. I condence and mute them then push them towards Barry as forcfully as i could.

  He flies backwards. I grab some move waves and condence them down again. Slowly i step on the now solid waves. I send them toward Barry with me on top. Holy shit this is fast!

"You okay dumbass?" I ask.

"Im fine. That was incredible."

"Yeah!" Cisco shouts.

" race you back?" I challenge he grins. He beats me obviously but i was only a split second behind him.

"Maria you are amazing, that was amazing. Caitlin how is she doing on the health aspect of things?"  Cisco says extremly excited.

"Good. Though i have to warn you if you were to fall from that..."

"Sound board." Cisco interrupts

"Sound board. At the speed you were going you could break every bone in your body and unlike Barry you don't have the ability to heal."

" but maybe i could create a sort of sound barrier to surround me. So if i fall theres something between me and the ground also while fighting it would make one hell of a shield." I suggest.

"That's putting a lot of strain on your abilities. We don't know the extent of your power or how much you can handle. If you over exert yourself you could put yourself into a coma." She argues.

"we'll burn that bridge when we come to it. First we have to find those thugs who killed my friends." I say

"And tried to kill me." Barry adds

"Yeah that too i guess." I respond shrugging.

"You're mean."

Muse (The flash, DC's Legends of tomorrow) Where stories live. Discover now