i need to work out more

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When we got back to star labs joe was waiting for the others.

"I got a lead on the guys who tried to kill Barry." He says and Barry and i move towards him.

" what are you doing?" He asks annoyed. He really doesn't like me.

"They killed my friends I'm going to help you stop them. " i reply stubbornly.

"It's fine joe she's a meta human. Wait till you see her in action." Cisco says. Joe sighs but agrees. We go to a different abandoned werehouse with me only a second behind The Flash.

How are the glasses working Muse - Cisco

"They work Cisco. But I'm going intona dark building they might hinder my eyesight."

Press the button in the left side of the rim-Cisco

I do as he says and the sunglasses turn into normal glasses.

"That is cool."

"Muse we're going in. You ready?" Barry asks. I nod. We go in and it's extremely still. But not silent. I notice small squiggles that would be breathing. Two sets. Where's the other guy? I put up a sound field around both me and Barry not liking the situation. About three seconds after i put it up they drop an electric net on us. It doesn't hit us but it takes a lot of energy to keep the the field up.

"Muse are you doing this?" Barry shouts.

"Get rid of the net i can't hold this forever!" I shout at him. He starts moving his arms around super fast and it creates tornadoes out of his arms that blow the net off of us.

I let the shield down and almost collapse.

"Two there one above us." I breathe out tired. He speeds over to the first two and knocks them out. Then i black out.

I woke up with a pounding headache. Apparantly I was kidnapped. I can tell because I'm locked up.

"Who the hell are you?" The onlt remaining thug asks.

" I'm the chick who's going to kick your ass." I respond. Trying to manipulate the soundwaves from his speach. I couldn't just trying made me throw up.

"I'm so terrified. " he laughs.

" you should be. While i may not be in the best state right now. I'll get better and then I'll come for you. " i say.

"And what did i ever do to you? " he asks

"I had friends in that warehouse yesterday. You killed them. I'm not the kind to forgive and forget." I respond. Thankfully he left my glasses.

"Well that's too bad. I'd hate to have to kill such a pretty girl." He threatens.

Maria are you okay? -Cisco

"No. You're not going to kill me." I say to Cisco and the thug.

"Why not."

I tracked the glasses Barry will be there soon. Keep him talking. -Cisco

"Because you need me. If you were really going to kill me you would have done it already." I comment hoping I'm right.

"Clever girl. I'm going to make a trade. You for my brothers." He admits.

"Sorry buddy more likely the flash is going to kick your ass and you and your brothers will all be together in prison." I say just as Barry speeds in. And knocks him out.

"What took you so long?" I ask.

"Traffic was hell." He jokes unlocking my cell. " lets get back to star labs."

"I'm to drained to make a sound board I'll catch a cab." I respond. He grins.

"I'm faster than any cab." He says and turns around. "Piggy back." He offers. I roll my eyes but give in.

"just this once."

Muse (The flash, DC's Legends of tomorrow) Where stories live. Discover now