The future sucks. I'm not surprised.

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Star City 2046 looks exactly like i expected it to. Is that bad? I wonder if I'm still alive? I'd be like 50 wow. Will i even live that long? It seems unlikely. The others were talking about the state of the city when we get attacked by The Green Arrow or whatever his name is. I never met him. Apparantly Ray and Sara have though. He doesn't seem to reckognise them. I can tell because of the arrow being pointed at us.

"Any chance you can let the pretty redhead go. I'm not with these guys." I comment earning a glare from the rest of the team. The not Oliver Green Arrow ignores me. Rude. Mick pulls out his gone and shoots at the vigilante. Which starts a fight usually getting shot at by a flamethrower does that.

We run for cover Snart pulls me with him and i cover us both with a sound shield. Everyone takes turn shooting like stormtroopers at the guy in green until Rip orders us to fall back.

Going back onto the ship Sara is angry that Rip lied to us. Again. Is she really still surprised? I don't pay attention. Another running theme. There is way too much talking on this ship. Basically everyone goes off to do their part and i stay in the kitchen eating chicken. That is until I'm recruited to go with Mick and Snart to steal something.

"Rip. While i do like stealing are you sure that after what we found out i should be in the same group as... you know." I
try to argue.

"While i agree with you miss Lockley mr Snart has refused to assist unless you come along. I'm sure you can keep your emotions seperate from your mission." He responds and goes off to fill in the other criminals. I sigh and suit up.

When i get to the dock Sara is threatening Rip i quietly sneak into the corner next to Mick and offer him some corn chips out of the packet in my pocket. He takes them and Rip and Sara have a staring contest until the captain gives in.

"well that was dramatic." I comment walking out after Sara.  The five of us walk around the shitstorm that is Star City Mick and i debating weather or not it would matter if we killed anyone here since this probably won't even happen. Sara gets sentimental and i roll my eyes.

"I seem to remember something about your father being a police captain?" Snart says to Sara.

"Your point."

"He did one hell of a job." I say sarcastically finishing Snarts thought.

"My father and everyone else would never have let this happen unless they were all dead." Sara responds.

"Well assuming you're in your early thirties at the latest and your Dad wasn't super young when he had you. He would be in his early fifties in 2016. This is thirty years later and he's a cop in Star City which was on its best days a pile of shit if he isn't dead he's at least eighty." I comment and they look at me weird.

"What it's simple math." I respond to their states whe we hear gunshots.We run into a rundown school bus that gives me traumatic flashbacks. A bunch of dudes in motorcycles show up as we get in.

"Is anyone else getting high school flashbacks?" I joke and most of them look at me like I'm crazy. "Just trying to lighten the mood."

Green arrow shows up again this time not attacking us. Yay. The vigilante takes a fall and Sara gets sentimental again. Really? Rip runs after her and orders the three criminals to stay put. Did he not see what was wrong with that idea?

Snart suggests robbing a bank and i shrug. Never robbed a bank before. Sounds like fun. We don't get five metres before dudes on motorcycles stop us.

"are you really trying to mug us?" Snart asks amused.

"What is this ameture hour?" Mick asks. This big guy in a coat try's to intimidate us and instead gets shot with Micks flamethrower. Apparently killing the mob boss makes mick the new mob boss. That's not great job security. Snart tries to go but his partner likes it. He turns to me and i grin grabbing a motorbike.

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