Chapter 6

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Luffy and you stood in front of Christopher, and your bright eye color pierced into his with anger boiling inside of you.

His hands turned into water sprinkles, and he chuckled evilly before saying, "Good thing I've eaten the water-water fruit, because now I can create sea water attacks which you, ordinary devil fruit users will be weak, no matter what element I'm weak against."

"Shut up and fight already," Zoro yawned and rested his elbows on the rails, his eyes fixed lazily on the three of you.

"Water spiral!"

A stream of water tornado charged towards you two at full speed, catching Luffy off guard.

"All freeze," you whispered and the water spiral froze instantly, creating a barrel in front of Luffy. You used your fire powers to melt it and used your water powers to force the water back to Christopher.

"Woah! Amazing, what fruit did you eat?" Luffy exclaimed, excitement glimmering in his eyes.

"I ate the copy-copy fruit, it's one of a kind and it gives me the ability to learn another devil fruit ability," you explained, never letting your guard down once.

"Seawater cuff!" The sly vice admiral hissed, and you were shocked and flinched. A wave of seawater cuff cuffed your wrists tightly, and you fell weak to your knees.

You stared at the now darkened grey sky, and heard anxious shouts of your name. Luffy came over to you, a wave of relief washing over him when he realized you were conscious.

"I'll take her from here then," Christopher smirked, and Luffy used his rubbery hand to stop him.

"Go near her and you'll die," he spoke menacingly, his raven bangs covering his eyes, casting a eerie shadow.

"Is that so? I'd like to try," he scoffed and used his water powers, but this time, he dodged perfectly, and used his 'Gomu Gomu Gatling' to swing punches at him, and Christopher fell back.

"You'll die! Now, seawater cuff!" He growled, a cuff shaped water trapping Luffy. You starting building energy in yourself, as you know what would Christopher do next.

"Water spear!" A liquid spear aimed Luffy, and you pushed yourself towards him, helping him take that attack. Blood spilled onto the ground, and you laid on the ground, and coughed out blood.

Gasps was heard soon after, followed by shouts and screams. You called Luffy's name weakly, and he wriggled over to you, a worried expression on his face.

"Stay conscious, Bella! Look at me!" He yelled when you were on the verge of blacking out. You smiled faintly and nodded, taking in breaths and stared at the sky.

"I'll take her head instead, what a troublesome brat, although it'll lessen her bounty," Christopher sighed in satisfaction.

As he approached, Luffy blocked his way, yelling protests but got kicked instead. "Get out of the way you stinky pirate!"

This time, Sanji and Zoro stepped in. Hopping off the ship, they stood in front of you like your bodyguards.

"Too bad we're not devil fruit users, so your seawater crap won't affect us," Sanji puffed out the smoke from his cigarette, and began attacking with Zoro.

"Protect her with your life, curly brows," Zoro motivated, and Sanji hummed in response while throwing kicks and Zoro slashing here and there.

Blood was dripping on the floor during the fight, your eyes were closing and you felt tired as well.

With a last kick, Christopher fainted and blood oozed out from his head, and you smiled, accidentally shutting your eyes softly closed.

"Bella!" Everyone cried out.


"Oi shut up!" Usopp scolded Luffy, punching his head after that. Two bonks was heard and a bump formed on their heads by Nami.

"She's awake!" Chopper exclaimed, his snot and tears still on his furry face. Everyone surrounded you as your eyes fluttered open, feeling your chest hurting.

"Morning!" Luffy grinned, and got ignored by everyone.

"Sanji go prepare breakfast, Zoro take care of her and we'll take care of the ship," Nami gave out jobs and everyone said their 'take care's and left the room.

When you were going to sit up, you let out a painful groan and Zoro held you just before you were about to fall.

"B-be careful, clumsy girl," Zoro stuttered and you noticed the slight blush on his cheeks. You smiled gratefully and laid your head on the wall.

"Thank you, you're one of the people that I'm really grateful to," you smiled while closing your eyes, opening it only after finishing your thank you.

"No problem," he looked away, trying to avoid your gaze on his.

"I guess I'm fine now, you can go do whatever you want, I'll head out for a while," you said and got your medicines before heading out with Zoro.

"Are you really fine to walk? It's kinda cold out here," Robin asked with concern. You nodded your head before igniting the fire around you, and soon everyone ran towards you and hugged you, trying to get warm too.

"Oi! Why're you guys hugging my Arabella-chan," Sanji cried out with jealousy. You chuckled and gave him a hug too, and he smiled, but this smile wasn't like any smile. It wasn't the flirtatious one, but the genuine one.

"Aw thank you," he grinned sheepishly with a slight blush, and you sat on the swing, swinging back and forth gently.

A while later you felt a little hungry, so you decided to make your own food in the kitchen. Brook was hanging out in the kitchen eating leftovers with Luffy, laughing away.

"Hey Bella! You alright?" Brook asked, and you smiled and nodded, thanking him for the concern and he did his signature laugh which never failed to make you chuckle loudly.

Turning on the stove, you started humming and cooking. "Y'all want any?" You asked your two rowdy crew mates.

"No thanks, we're really full!" Luffy shook his head while pointing at his stretched, fat belly. You giggled and nodded, turning your attention to the pancakes.

As the duo left, the kitchen was peaceful and filled with your humming, and the frying of pancakes.

A pair of warm arms wrapped around your waist all of a sudden, making you freeze and scald your hand.

"Who's there!?"


Can't wait to write the next chapter!!

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