Chapter 8

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"Be careful, this land's famous for its monsters and creepy things going on in its forests," Franky explained and Usopp shivered in fear.

Letting the rope ladder down, everyone climbed down and decided to explore the forest as a group.

"First, we'll have to find food, the emergency food are almost empty," Sanji said and everyone nodded while walking deeper into the forest.

The forest was eerily quiet, so Usopp shrieked when Brook stepped on a twig and Zoro sneezed. "Oi guys, d-d-d-don't scare me like that!" Usopp yelled.

Luffy snickered and a growl was heard, followed by footsteps. "What's that?" Robin asked while looking around.

A wild tiger pounced on Luffy and everyone except you and Robin shrieked, their piercing screams echoing through the whole forest.

"This land sure is crazy," Robin commented and you giggled along with her.


Night fell, and the moon was covered by clouds, making the surrounding dark and creepy.

"Let's head into town and find a place to stay," you suggested and received nods.

While walking, you could feel eyes upon you and whispers. It sent chills down your spine but you chose to ignore it and continue your journey.

"I see one!" Chopper sprinted in front of the inn, and it was called 'Pirates' Inn'.

The exterior was aggressive, with skulls decorating it and red paint surrounding them. It was like a haunted house, but the crew still decided to move in.

"Good evening damn pirates, what would you like?" The fat receptionist greeted with a polite smile.

"We're staying here for a few nights," Luffy answered and grinned, and the receptionist nodded while finding some wanted posters.

"Alright, you lot have been registered, a room for 10, go up to the fourth floor and turn left," he pointed here and there.

"Thank you," Chopper said and headed to the room.

The air was chilly and some of your crew mates' hairs stood on ends and was being cautious of their surroundings.

Some were feeling paranoid, like Zoro, his hands were always glued to his swords, as if preparing for a battle.

The steps were quite fragile, and it will often creak and crack when Franky stomped on it, whoever walked behind him was really unlucky.

"How long we're going to walk? I'm pretty sure we've reached the fourth level a long time ago," Luffy panted and dragged his feet on the stairs.

The steps were never ending, and there wasn't any rooms in sight. It was like a sky tower.

"Break the window," you said monotonously, the rest of the crew eyeing you weirdly.

"Why?" Luffy asked curiously, "The owner will scold us y'know," he added.

"Just do it you idiot," Nami scolded and Luffy broke through it, the shattering of glass piercing through the night. Shards of glasses cutting your arms slightly.

Looking out of the window, everyone was shocked to see marines surrounding the building and loud marching echoed from the floors beneath you.

"It's a damn trap," Zoro huffed and ushered everyone to head downstairs, and that he'll take down the enemies.

Sounds of slashing and groaning in agony could be heard as the crew dashed past the marines. Zoro took down most of them in a few seconds and we made a beeline to the ground level, trying to make a run for Sunny.

"I see the entrance! Let's get out from there!" Nami instructed and everyone yelled a 'yeah' before breaking the wooden door open.

Marines surrounded the Straw Hat Pirates, the thick fog surrounding you weren't helping at all.

A warm hand gripped your wrist tightly, and you looked up to see the blonde cook trying to keep you safe.

"I can take care of myself," you sighed and relaxed, waiting for the next move.

A net fell from above, hugging you and your crew mates tightly in it. All the devil fruit users, including you, felt weak and laid on the ground weakly.

"Hohohohoho! Now capture them and send them to the marine base!" A deep voice bellowed and your eyes closed shut.


Loud laughter could be heard and you were awaken by it, your head pounding and you scanned your surrounding.

"This is a pretty large cage for us," you commented while sitting up, gathering attention to yourself.

"We're currently caged by the stinky marines, and we can't seem to escape," Franky grumbled while you listened, your mind thinking of ways of how to escape.

An idea struck your mind, and you politely asked the others to move out of the way and they looked at what you are about to do.

"All freeze."

The cage bars froze in a blink of an eye.

"Fury fire."

The bars melted along with the ice and you stepped out of the cage, helping the rest get out too.

"Cheap trick," you muttered and looked around, searching for a door, but none was in sight.

"Where is the door?" Usopp asked, still a little shaken up.

After much searching in the circular building, all you know was there are only walls, but no doors.

"I guess the only way out is up there," Brook said, his 'eyes' looking up at the stone ceiling, which the rest trailed their eyes up too.

You were just about to think of a way to get up, but Luffy was already ahead of you.

"Gomu gomu no... Pistol!"

Big pieces of the ceiling fell down heavily, hitting Usopp and Zoro in the process.

"Idiot! Think of us before you even do that!" They chided their cheeky captain in unison.

"Sorry," Luffy waved his hand, and got yelled, "No you're not!"

The sun shone down, and brightened up the surrounding. "Let's go!" Luffy cheered, and everyone shot each other a worried expression.

His rubbery hand slipped around everyone, "Hold tight!" He warned before shooting everyone out of the circular tower.

Screams filled your ears and rang in your brain like an annoying fly. "Safety is not guaranteed," Luffy shouted and everyone sweat dropped.

"It never was!"

Landing with a 'kaboom', Usopp and Franky groaned before dusting themselves off and stand up.

"Seems like we're safe, let's head back to Sunny and set sail," Nami said quickly and everyone sprinted towards Sunny.


Close shave hmm

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