Chapter 10

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"L-l-let's go back can we?" Usopp shivered in fear upon seeing the threatening words on the door.

"This seems fun," Robin and you chuckled, and walked towards the gates.

After tries of opening the gates failed, Zoro decided to lend you two a helping hand and slashed the gate into two, the clanging of metal ringing loudly.

Shortly after the loud noise, the doors opened without anyone touching it. Usopp, Chopper and Brook shrieked and they cowered each other tightly.

"I don't want to go in!" They protested in unison, and Franky just walked pass them.

"Be careful," everyone heard the words clearly, and looked at Franky.

The blue haired cyborg looked at you all curiously, "What?" He asked innocently.

"Did you just say something?" Sanji asked, only receiving a 'no'. The cowardly trio shook in fear and muttered prayers under their breaths.

"Must be our imaginations!" Luffy tried to stay positive but his beating heart gave it away. At this point of time, everyone was feeling a tint of fear, but none admitted it.

A branch snapped and began to fall down on Nami, she gasped and Robin used her extra hands to prevent it from hitting her.

"This is creeping me out too," Franky spoke up, and he scanned the area around him carefully with his eyes squinted.

Luffy started to walk into the compound, which Zoro and Sanji followed. You hesitated whether to follow, as you realized that this island was really strange.

"Come on! You'll fall behind!" Zoro called out, and you jogged towards them, but you got caught in a trap and you fell forward.

"Itai!" You groaned, and thunder roared above you, startling Usopp and Chopper even more. Franky ran towards you and helped you up, before staring at what caused your fall.

He picked up an object, which looked like a hand, in fact, it was a hand, but it was a skeletal one.

Shrieks rang in your ears, and Luffy dashed towards Franky. Zoro and Sanji standing beside you protectively.

"Oh!? Brook! Did you drop one of your hands!?" Luffy asked jokingly, earning a painful bonk to his head.

"There's no time to joke around!" Nami scolded, and the air around you began to feel eerily cold.

The sign on the door changed its words, from 'Gates to Hell', it became 'Welcome'.

Upon realizing this, everyone except you and Robin stood frozen in their spots, their jaws nearly hitting the floor.

"W-what the hell," Nami's voice shook and her eyes widened.

"Let's just go back already!" Usopp cried out and Zoro shook his head.

"I would want to see who the hell is behind this," he stated, and took out his swords, preparing for a battle.

"Maybe there's treasure in there," Robin said, and Nami's mood changed.

"Let's go!" Nami cheered and her fears vanished in a blink of an eye. Usopp and Chopper looked at each other and followed.

Soon, everyone began walking towards the entrance, not noticing a pair of red eyes staring at them from behind.

The door slammed shut when everyone had gotten in, and some of the crew screamed in fright upon the sudden noise.

The mansion was so dark that you couldn't see your own hands, and it was scary to imagine what'll happen.

Using your fire powers, you lit up the mansion, the source of fire burning on your palm.

"Now that's better," you smiled at your nakamas and began leading the way while walking beside Luffy.

The lights suddenly turned on, and Usopp squeaked before looking around him. "Fancy," he commented shakily and held onto Franky for dear life.

Despite the lights were on, the mansion was still like a haunted house. The paintings on the walls were of people screaming in fear and it honestly made your hair stand on ends.

"Anyone there?" Luffy yelled, his voice echoing but no one answered.

One of the paintings fell on the ground with a thud, and everyone flinched while some screamed.

The throne sitting on the center of the room spun, revealing a guy wearing a black cloak, his eyes glowing red and spreading a menacing aura around him.

Usopp and Chopper clutched on Zoro and Franky, and your eyes squinted.

"This looks damn familiar," you mumbled, and a sinister laughter escaped the mysterious guy's lips.

"Long time no see, Devil," the mysterious man said, before peeling the cloak off his head.

Your eyes widened when you recognized him, he was your savior, you weren't too sure.

But he definitely saved you, and you didn't know what was his purpose or motive.

"What are you doing here?" You choked out, your eyes turned into a firm stare.

"I should be asking you, what are you doing in this house?" He asked you instead, and you shot a glance at Luffy for the right answer.

"We just wandered our way here," Luffy answered stupidly, and Shadow nodded, his glowing red eyes burning into yours.

"He wants to see you," Shadow stated, pointing at the back of the room, a door was at the corner, and he added, "All of you, go too."

Feeling intimidated by Shadow's murderous red eyes, the crew decided it'll be best to follow you, which they did.

"Who is the 'he'?" Luffy asked curiously, and you thought for a moment before answering.

"My father, I suppose this is his territory and he's been waiting for me."

Gasps of disbelief escaped the crew's lips and they stared at the door ahead in awe. "Is he as awesome and powerful like you?" Luffy grinned in excitement, and you nodded.

"But he's cruel," you added, your mind flashing back to times he'll train you to master your devil fruit powers and the scars you received from him.

"Ready?" You raised a questioning brow at your friends, and they regained their composure before giving you a steady nod.

Pushing the wooden doors open, a tall and muscular guy stood with his back facing you, his hair slicked back and his sunglasses shading his eyes.

"You've kept me waiting, my dear. For 3 years," the guy, your father, spoke with a husky and manly voice, bringing you back to the old days.

"What do you want?" You questioned, no tint of love or excitement in seeing him.

He turned to face you and your friends, his merciless, cold eyes staring hard on you.

"Is that the way you talk to your father?"


Hmm will you have a happy reunion with him or another furious fight?

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