Chapter four❥

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Hey guys I recommend playing the song 'youth- Daughter' while reading this. It really sets the mood. And I just wanted to say thanks ily all! I hope that you are enjoying the story so far!

Stiles' pov

I woke up, i wasn't dreaming. I didn't actually have a bad dream last night, surprisingly. I jumped out of bed and rubbed my eyes. I walked into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and I saw that I had red and black rings around my eyes. Although it didn't make any sense because I had gotten a good night sleep for once. It was probably just the Admonere taking over my body, slowly and painfully. Although it didn't hurt yet.

I walked over to my drawers and found a red and black NIKE shirt, so I slipped it over my head and put it on. I took off my tracksuit pants and slipped on some jeans. I walked downstairs.

"Son, you okay?" Asked my dad as I walked over to the table. "I feel fine dad" I smiled in his direction. I wasn't lying. I didn't feel sick nor was I in any type of pain. My eyes hurt a little bit though. "But your eyes, they look painful." He said touching my face. His fingers rubbing gently on the rings. I wasn't controlling myself but I just forcefully grabbed his arm in anger. Then I pushed it away.

He stood there at me in shock. "Stiles what the hell??" Yelled my dad. I started breathing heavily, shaking my head and squeezing my eyes shut. "I'm sorry Dad, I wasn't controlling myself" I explained. "Come here Stiles" he replied in sympathetically.

I walked towards him as he pulled me into a tight hug, patting my back. "It's going to be okay Stiles, we're going to get through this" he assured me. A tear fell from my eye and dropped onto his shirt. I shut my eyes tightly and hugged him even tighter. "I love you dad" I managed to whisper. "I love you too Stiles" he answered back.

He pulled away. "You hungry?" He asked. To be honest I wasn't hungry at all. I had lost my appetite. Just looking at the fresh bacon on my dads plate made me want to throw up. "No" I replied. He just looked at me in confusion. I would usually eat whenever I was able too, but today I didn't care enough to eat.

"I'm going to head off to school now" I replied opening the fridge and grabbing some food to put in my bag. As I walked out the front door I heard my dad say "have a good day." I just stopped in the silhouette of the door and smiled. Until I continued through the door walking out to my jeep.

I put my keys in the ignition and gripped my fingers on the steering wheel. I took a deep breath and started the car. As i took another breath, i pushed down on the pedal and pulled out of my parking space, and speeded off too school.

When I arrived I saw Scott, Lydia, Malia, Liam, Kira and Hayden sitting at our regular table outside by the Lacrosse field. They all waved at me, as I walked closer they all looked at me in disgust and confusion. "Stiles, what happened to your eyes? You look like you were posses by the Nogitsune" laughed Malia. I just stood there, I tilted my head in her direction. Her smile soon faded than she looked at me covering her mouth.

"You didn't tell them?" I asked Scott, he shook his head no. "I thought I should've waiting till you got here" he frowned. I nodded in agreement. I wanted to be here so they could comfort me. "What's happening?" Asked Liam.


We just finished telling the group what was happening to me. Malia ran up to me and hugged me tightly, squeezing her eyes shut. "I can't believe this Stiles, but you're going to be okay, I promise we will save you" she smiled . I pushed my head into her shoulder as she hugged me tighter, everyone just staring at me upsettingly. "Guys we can't let this get us down! It's our senior year, let's make it a pretty damn good one!" I yelled trying to smile, shaking them from whatever little world they were in, in their minds. "Hey snap out of it, it's going to be fine" i lied. I knew it wasn't, I knew that I was going to end up killing everyone or the admonere leaving my body and killing me instead. Whatever happens now, isn't going to be good.

He went insane ▷ Stydia❥Where stories live. Discover now