Chapter two❥

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A/N: Hey guys its the author, i just wanted to say that i hope you enjoy this chapter! it took me a while, litterally four episodes of teen wolf were playing in the background while i was writing it. anyways enjoy! this scene is pretty intense.

Derek's Pov:

Lydia was frowning, Looking like she was going to cry. "Stiles, I.. I'm so sorry" Lydia managed to say without shedding a tear.

I could hear Stiles's heart beat rise, faster and faster. The worried look on his face matched the smell of emotion that coming out of his body. Obviously he was worried, he didn't know what the hell was going on. "What?" Stiles half-yelled. "I'm, sorry that... I'm going to have to beat your tiny ass at bowling." Lydia smirked, the rest of the pack laughed. I laughed a bit under my breath, Stiles's mouth dropped, wide open. The only sounds he was about to make were stutters. "i-i" he continued to speak.

I guess he heard me laughing because he turned around and gave me a death stare. I stood up a bit taller, crossing my arms, making myself seem bigger and more frightening to him than i already was. He turned back around to Scott, kira, Lydia, Liam, Malia and Hayden. "So that was all a joke?" He stood there, i could smell the anxiety coming from the heat of his body.

"Actually, yes it was a joke.. It was Lydia's idea" Scott Chuckled. Stiles took a deep breath and stared at his best friend. "Oh my god, you got me. i thought someone was dead or something." Stiles laughed. "Oh my god, can we please just hurry this the hell up?!" I blurted out. Everyone just turned to stare at me. Like i had just killed somebody or something. "What are you all looking at?" i Say, then move my head a little forward so they all stopped staring. "Sorry Derek.. its just, its been a while since we have all seen you." explained Liam. "Yeah, where the hell have you been for half a year?" questioned Stiles staring at me now. "I'm sorry i left so suddenly, but Cora needed my help out of town, so i offered it" i admitted. I wasn't lying either, To be honest i had missed everyone.

I didn't know how much i missed them until i came back. I missed Scott's red eyes, i forgot how powerful he was. I missed Lydia's screams. Even if it was weird to admit. I missed her strawberry blond hair. I hardly knew Liam, Malia, Kira and Hayden, But i did sort of miss them too. Even as hard as it is too admit i missed Stiles too. yes he annoyed me sometimes.. actually that was an understatement. He annoyed me most of the time. But i have known him for a few years, he was pretty funny. But the amount of times i have wanted to bash his head into a brick was definitely unhealthy.

I was looking for a bowling ball to use when i noticed Stiles standing next to me. I could hear him breathing as he attempted to pick up a 16 pound bowling ball. Then it felt like slow motion. he dropped the ball, almost crushing his toes. I caught the ball in one hand when it was 3 centimeters away from totally damaging his ability to walk.

he turned too look at me. Totally surprised about what just happened. "Thanks," he stood there next to me staring at me. "It was nothing" i shrugged it off. It really was nothing, just my supernatural werewolf senses taking action. "No seriously, Thanks Derek if you hadn't of caught it, it probably would have-"

"Crushed your foot?" i completed his sentence. "Yeah.." He smiled. "Well, your welcome" I said, i expected him to walk away or something, but he didn't. instead he just stood there like a total idiot. "Seriously stiles, stop staring at me. Its getting on my nerves." i hissed and started to walk away. As i walked away i heard his heart beating, faster than usual. I decided to shrug it off and keep walking before anything got anymore awkward.

"What is Stiles doing over there?" Scott laughed as i joined them. "Huh?" Scott pointed at Stiles directing me to turn around. Stiles, was just standing there breathing heavily. I turned back around. "Oh yeah, i just prevented his foot from being crushed by a 16 pound balling ball." i smirked. "No, theres something wrong with him. Something else" Malia stated with a worried expression on her face.

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