Chapter five❥

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A/N: So this chapter has a Derek and stiles Point of view yay!

Stiles' Pov:

I woke up, shivering cold. I couldn't stop shaking. I was in the middle of the woods, I picked myself up from the ground and started to look around. Noticing all of the dead bodies laying around me. All of my best friends, Scott, Malia, Lydia, Liam, Hayden and Kira. Heck even Derek was there too. And my dad.. piled on top of eachother.

I moved backwards, my mouth shot open. "Oh my god" I said covering my mouth. I couldn't keep it in any longer, tears came streaming down my face as I started to scream. I couldn't believe that the Admonere had taken over me and killed everyone I ever cared about, dead right in front of me.

I woke up screaming so loud, Scott and my dad were standing around me. My dad and Scott held me down against the bed trying to make me stop moving. After I stopped screaming, Scott pulled me into a hug and patted my back.

"What happened?" Scott asked. "Stiles, you were screaming for half an hour in your sleep" my dad answered. I covered my mouth, a tear rolled down my cheek. "I killed everyone" I hooded my eyes, looking down at my hands. Counting my fingers to make sure I was awake.

"We're fine Stiles, see? We are right here" said Scott. I looked up at him. "Yeah but for how long?" I answered back. Looking down at my hands.

"It's going to be okay Stiles, I promise we will save you" my bestfriend assured me. I was furious. "NO ITS NOT!" I yelled. Causing Scott to take a step back. "Stop saying it's going to be alright" I mumbled while wiping my face with the dirty palms of my hands. "I'm going to kill everyone, you won't be able to stop me." I replied a tear coming down and landing on my shirt.

Scott sat down next to me, squeezing my shoulder tightly. "Scott, if I'm possessed completely, and if there's any chance I'm going to kill Someone, you need to kill me first." I whispered. Scott looked up at me in horror. "No Stiles- I I can't" he replied before I cut him off. "Please" I whispered looking into his eyes. He looked down, shut his eyes and nodded.

I hugged him again. This time letting it all out. Crying because I was scared, upset and I felt like giving up. "I'm not going to kill you though, we will try everything to save you. But for now I think we should be safe and have someone watching over you at all times. You know, just in case you have a seizure" he frowned at me. It wasn't a bad idea. I wanted to stay alive and this might help.

"I'll call everyone, and tell them to get here" my dad said looking at me with sorrow. I nodded, he walked out of the room holding his phone up against his ear. I pulled away from Scott.


Everyone had arrived, we were just waiting on Derek. "Seriously can that werewolf take any longer?" I questioned, Derek opening the door and walking into the house. He gave us a look that said 'I'm sorry I'm late' Scott and I looked at eachother, then just shrugged it off.

We explained everything that was going on. There was a lot of eye rolling, tears and even almost breakdowns. "You hear me? Nobody is too leave Stiles by himself Got it?" Commanded Scott everybody nodded. Then they all looked at me. "Okay who is going first tonight? I mean I would do it but we have a practice exam tomorrow and I really need my sleep." Explained Liam. "Yeah and the rest of us have actual exams" Lydia pointed out.

"Well everyone except for..." I said while everyone turned their heads to look at Derek. "UGH, okay fine I'll do it" Derek rolled his eyes in anger. "But I swear to god if he tries to kill me, I will rip his throat out" Derek continued. I gulped. I shook my head. "Okay so it's settled then?" Replied Scott. Everyone nodded and left the house. Except Derek. Who walked over to me in confusion. "Why do you look like you're dying??" Questioned Derek taking a seat next to me on the coach. "Because I think I am" I sighed. Looking at the floor. He didn't reply, instead he turned away with his head facing his lap. I continued to stare at him, his eyes met mine as he gave me a concerned look. He shook his head and stood up. "Let's just get this over with Stiles" Derek growled. I bit my lip and nodded fast.


Derek's Pov:

Time had past, it had been seven hours since I started watching Stiles, we were in his room. As i sat in the chair and he crawled into bed, wearing a t-shirt and tracksuit pants. He turned off his bed side lamp, ready to go to sleep. "Derek" he said, I turned to face his bed. "Yes Stiles?" I asked as I heard his heart racing. "Please stay awake, if I walk into the woods please follow me" he gulped playing with his fingers. "Okay" I replied.

After an hour, I was fast asleep on the chair, when I woke up Stiles was gone, I examined his room, looking for him. But he was gone. And I needed to find him. I jumped up and ran downstairs, the front door was already left open, so I ran, i kept running through the woods until I saw him. Standing there silently, facing the other way.

"Stiles," I whispered, thinking he was asleep. "Wake up Stiles." I said again, but no reply. I cautiously walked closer to him, now grabbing his shoulders I spun him around, it was so shocking, disturbing even. I stepped away from him. His eyes Completely black, no blood vessels, no pupils, and no brown eyes. He stood there, with no expression on his face, there was black blood dripping from his nose. "Oh my god Stiles" I whispered walking closer to him, I examined his face, but it wasn't long until he suddenly picked me up by my shirt and threw me 5 meters away from him. My back landing on a tree. I gasped for air, "Stiles" I groaned. "Stiles is gone" He chuckled. I rolled my eyes. "Why are you doing this to Stiles?" I growled, my eyes turning blue. He just tilted his head in amusement. "A werewolf?" He asked. I nodded my head, then banged it against the tree.

I tried to pick myself up but he gestured his hand in a pushing motion which caused me to fly back. Hitting the tree once more, I growled loudly, "you kids never learn do you? You can't kill me, I'm already taking over sleeping Stiles, it won't be long until he's too weak. His body will give in, then I will have all control over his body." The demon said. He was terrifying, His eyes pure black, black blood dripping from his nose, shaking uncontrollably in anger. "Then why don't you just kill me now?" I said sarcastically. "What fun would that be? Derek." He laughed. He came close to me, resting his finger underneath my chin. "But I will do it, when everyone's watching, about to have the exact same feight" he smirked. I roared. He started walking away, I tried to get up but he made a fist with his hand which pushed me back to the ground without even touching me, breathing heavily, he walked away, he was gone.

I needed Scott to help me and I needed him now, we needed to find the demon. I turned around, fangs out, eyes blue as I looked up at the moon and howled, as loud as ever. When I turned around, Scott was standing there Smirking. "Where the hell is Stiles?" He asked. "He's gone.. we need to find his scent" I replied. Scott growled at me with a face saying 'I can't believe you lost my bestfriend'

We followed his scent for what seemed like hours, until we were lead to his bedroom. We climbed through the window, Where Stiles layed asleep in his bed. Looking quite peaceful. I didn't hesitate, waking him up I picked him up by the collar of his shirt, lifted him up and pressed him hard against the wall. He tried to wiggle free, but it was no use. "Derek stop!" Scott yelled. I ignored him. Stiles face was red, his heart beating fast. "Derek I said S-" Scott said grabbing my shoulder, before he could finish whatever he was saying, I turned around, and howled in his face, eyes blue and teeth sharp. His eyes turned red in anger and he howled even louder in my face. I growled and brought Stiles back into the ground.

Stiles wiggled free from my grasp and walked behind Scott. "What the hell Derek?!" Yelled Scott. "The demon took over him, his eyes were black, he was bleeding black blood from his nose" I growled in Stiles direction. "His eyes were black?" Asked Scott, I rolled my eyes. "YES! Scott! His eyes were black!!" I yelled as I used my fingers to push open my eye lids.

"Okay so now we know when your possesed, your eyes will be black" Scott said turning to stiles, who was now sitting in the corner of the room, back pressed against the wall. "He took over you Stiles, you have to stay strong. You have to fight him" Scott assured Stiles. Stiles shook his head. "It's too hard" he said having a panic attack. "Stiles you need to stay calm" I mumbled under my breath. "It's going to be okay Stiles trust me"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2017 ⏰

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