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Some things to note:

-Author's notes within story will be bolded, italicised and presented in brackets.

-This book is a sequel to Don't Stay Up All Night. I suggest you read that first but you know, whatever floats your boat.

-Remember to vote and comment. Don't be a silent reader.

-I haven't made a cover but I will soon(probably tmr or something). Here's the prologue.

Happy reading! :)




Prince Louis walked into the bakery. Harry had his bags packed but he did not look ready to leave. He sobbed with his parents wrapped around him in a hug. The three of them had tear-stained faces.

"What are you doing here?" Zayn, Harry's father, asked coldly.

"I came to ensure that Harry leaves as he said he would." Louis answered.

"Why are you even banishing him?" Zayn hissed.

Louis knew exactly why but he saw the look on Harry's face when the question was asked. Harry gave him a stare, as if he was begging Louis not to let the cat out of the bag.

If Harry does not sleep by 8 at night, he turns into a wild beast.

In fact, Harry did not even want Louis to know. He thought he could keep his secret but he was careless. Louis found out and gave Harry until dusk to leave the kingdom. It was not an easy decision for him to make, considering he was newly engaged to Harry.

"I have my reasons." Louis stated. He saw Harry mouth a thanks to him.

"Well, thanks for being so vague. Everything is crystal clear to me now!" Zayn sarcastically remarked. "How could you do this? I can't believe you would take our child away from us."

Liam, Harry's other father, grabbed Zayn by the arms as Zayn struggled to break from his hold to lunge at Louis. Liam knew that attacking the prince could get them in serious trouble and he did not want to raise the temperature of the hot water they were in.

"You heartless man!" Zayn growled at Louis. Zayn stopped fighting for Liam to release him. He panted while shooting daggers at Louis.

"Dad, it's okay. I'm leaving." Harry piped up. He grabbed his bags. Zayn and Liam pulled Harry into an embrace. Harry promised, "I will write to you when I find a place to settle down."

Harry turned to look at Louis. He appeared to have a lot of things he wanted to tell Louis but none of those were said. Harry sighed deeply and handed Louis a small black cat, "Take good care of Larry for me."

Louis agreed to look after Larry, the cat. He liked her(Larry is a female cat.) anyways so he did not see why he should let her roam the streets to fend for herself.

Zayn and Liam stood outside the bakery, bidding Harry goodbye.

Louis stood inside the bakery, leaning on the counter.

"You know it's kind of ironic that you banished him for being who he is when you're not so normal, yourself." Louis heard an unfamiliar feminine voice say. He looked around, confused, finding nobody else in the bakery but himself.

"It's Larry." The cat said.

"I must be dreaming." Louis remarked. "Am I talking to a cat?"

"Yeah." Larry continued. "You're special. You can talk to animals."

"I've never talked to animals before." Louis stated a fact. He did not even know that he possessed that ability.

"We all generally disliked you. We have an anti-Louis club." Larry taunted. Louis felt uncomfortable.

Larry giggled,"I'm kidding. Learn to take some sarcasm. You just never leave your room. How are you supposed to talk to animals when you're always indoors?"

"You've never spoken to me before."

"I've never had anything that important to say."

"What did you mean by I'm not normal?" Louis questioned the cat.

"Last I check, talking to a cat doesn't count as normal."

"That's true." Louis admitted. "I did not know cats could speak English."

"We can't. Your brain does that translation for you. By the way, you sound like a madman, talking to me." Larry joked. "Stop talking. Zayn's coming."

By this time, Harry had already left.

"Get out." Zayn muttered. His teeth were gritted together.

"Is that any way to speak to the prince?" Louis asked.

"You see this floor? This is my floor. You are in my house. My house means I get to call the shots, which means you need to get out before I throw you out." Zayn threatened, jabbing his index finger at Louis' chest.

"This is my kingdom." Louis reminded. "Besides, the wooden boards are squeaky, the paint is peeling off the walls and my room is more interesting than the entirety of your stupid bakery."

"Remember when you had a home and didn't make bitchy comments about mine?" Zayn shot back.

"I still have the palace. What do you mean I don't have a home?" Louis inquired.

"Home is where the love is. Your home just got exiled." Zayn pointed in the direction that Harry left in.

Louis rolled his eyes. He sauntered out of the bakery and boarded the carriage. "I don't love him." Louis spat the words out.

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