Chapter 7

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Louis slumped himself onto the bed.

"Louis? It's past 8." Larry informed.

"Oh shit!" Louis cussed and ran out of his room. He skidded as he tried to turn the corner. "Harry, it's past eight!" Louis yelled. His voice echoed down the hall.

"Okay, just try to sleep before you change." Louis instructed.

Harry's breathing became more rapid. Louis swept him off his feet and brought him into the bedroom. Louis set him down on the bed.

"Lou, I can't stay the night. King Stephen will-" Harry tried to say but Louis butted in.

"Shut up. Go to sleep now." Louis insisted. Harry shut his eyes immediately. His brows furrowed, causing wrinkles to form on his forehead.

"I can't sleep!" Harry cried.

"At least try!" Louis shouted.

"I am trying." Harry tossed and turned, attempting to find a comfortable position. His heart raced, pounding against his chest and ringing in his ears. He squirmed.

"Harry, just relax." Louis cooed. He placed a hand over Harry's eyes. The worry lines on Harry's face disappeared. His frown changed to a neutral expression. "There. Isn't that better?" Louis asked rhetorically.

Louis heaved a sigh of relief but it was too early for that.

Harry's eyes shot open. They were ruby-red. Harry's skin turned green. A grin tugged at his lips and extended to the corners of his ear, beyond what was humanly possible. The blunt human teeth were replaced with ones that were sharper than a wolf's canines. Harry sprang out of bed. He leapt over Louis and out of the room through the open door. Louis gave chase but Harry was much faster with his extremely long legs.

Harry entered the princess's bedroom. A shrill cry for help reverberated through the air. Harry stood in the door frame, hunching because he was too tall. Louis darted into the room between Harry's legs.

"Louis! Help! There's a monster!" Danielle shrieked. Her screaming seemed to rile up the beast even more. The demon stared at Louis and Danielle with hatred and irritation.

"Shh! Danielle, what are you talking about? There is no monster. I think you must be hallucinating." Louis said to Danielle. He pulled her blanket over her head. "It's late. The princess needs her beauty sleep." Louis moved her head onto the pillow. He kissed her on the cheek and wished her 'goodnight' before fleeing out of the room. Danielle curled up on the mattress. Her hand subconsciously touched her face where Louis had planted his lips. A smile formed on her face.

Meanwhile, Louis was pursued by the demon. It followed him out of the room and down the hall. Louis barged into his own room. He rummaged through his bags, tossing articles of clothing into the air as he searched for his sword. He grunted in frustration after he went through each bag. Louis reached into the final bag and felt something long and hard. He pulled the sword out of the bag and removed it from the scabbard.

Harry stormed into the room. The door was flung open so hard that Louis thought it would fall apart. The beast wheezed and grunted abruptly. He foamed at his mouth, licking his ugly lips.

Louis' heart leapt into his throat when he saw Larry walking towards the monster. Larry walked closer to Harry and sat at his ankles. The demon squatted down. His mouth opened wide, barring his pointed teeth threateningly. Louis shielded his eyes. He could not bear to watch.

Louis heard soft purring. He removed his hands from covering his face, finding the demon petting the cat. Harry stroked Larry with his snaking fingers. Upon closer inspection, Louis realised that Harry was smiling. The demon chuckled awkwardly.

Louis realised it was the first time he had actually seen Harry, as the demon, show emotions of happiness. It was surprising to him that the monster was capable of experiencing joy when all the monster had displayed was hostility.

Louis took his sword and hid in the closet. The demon may have been friendly with Larry but that did not mean he would be nice to Louis. Louis was not about to test his limits with the monster.

Louis curled up on the floor in the dark. There was a small beam of light, entering from a small crack in the door. Louis saw Harry playing with Larry. Louis decided to let them be since Harry was not putting anyone in great danger. Not a long time passed before Louis fell asleep with his fingers wrapped loosely around the handle of the sword.




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Haha I'm just kidding!

Or am I?

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