Chapter 21

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Despite that Louis was being confronted by the ferocious creature, he sat where he was. Louis flipped the sword in his hand. He saw the reflection of the demon in the shiny blade.

Louis was tired. He had not done anything all day but he felt exhausted. When he stood up, his legs felt weird from being still for so long. They hurt as pins and needles began to prick at his lower limbs.

The demon eyed the sword in Louis hand. It growled threateningly. Sharp teeth were bared. The beast took a stance that allowed it to pounce on Louis at any moment.

Louis gazed at the demon. He knew it was time for him to make his decision. It was now or never.

Louis held the sword tightly. The creature snarled. Louis raised the weapon high above his head, getting ready to fight the beast.

Louis inhaled deeply. Louis sighed and dropped the sword. The metal clanged against the tiles.

"Take care of Larry for me." Louis uttered the words. His shoulders fell. He sat back down on the ground.

The demon staggered closer to Louis. It kicked the sword away, repulsed by the weapon. It opened its mouth. "Dude, what the fuck is a Larry?"

"The black cat," Louis stated.

"What's black? What's a cat?" The beast inquired.

"Black is a colour."

"Dude, what the fuck is a colour?" The creature asked. "I'm so confused."

"Larry. Small. Cute. Fluffy. Ring a bell?" Louis described the cat.

"That sounds like you." The creature said. "Also, what the fuck is a bell?"

"Bells are not important right now." Louis muttered. "Larry is the little animal with four legs and a tail. She likes fish and Harry."

"Is Larry the one that likes to be pet?" The demon clarified. Louis nodded. The demon asked, "Why did you tell me to take care of her?"

"You're about to kill me so I won't be around to feed her anymore." Louis said.

"Dude, what the fuck? I just don't like you pointing the sharp long thing at me." The demon cussed. "Why would I kill you? I'm not a monster."

"Well, you're always growling and glaring at me. I just assumed-" Louis did not finish that sentence. He assumed. That was where he went wrong.

"Dude, it's really tight in here. How do we get out?" The demon asked.

"We can't. You were supposed to eat me or I kill you and the survivor gets to go free." Louis explained.

"I didn't agree to that." The demon stated.

"Neither did I." Louis uttered.

"That is one scary monster." The guard commented, taking notice of the demon. The demon grabbed the guard in its hand. "Get us out!" The demon commanded. All the poor guard heard were snarls and grunts.

The guard pried the demon off him and fled from the dungeon. "Nope. Not today. I'm out. This ain't my job." He muttered as he left, leaving the door to the dungeon unclosed.

Louis and the demon were still stuck in their cell. The demon huffed in frustration.

"Dude, what's your name?" The demon asked.

"Louis," Louis replied.

"Dude Louis." The demon said to himself.

"Prince, actually." Louis corrected.

"Dude Prince. Nice name." The demon remarked. Louis didn't bother to correct him.

"Harry, could you try to reach for those keys over there?" Louis requested.

"I'm not Harry. My name is Sam." The demon stated.

"Sam, could you try to reach for those keys over there?" Louis repeated.

"What are keys?" Sam asked.

"You see those small shiny things? If you can get those for me, we can get out of here." Louis pointed at the keys on a metal loop, hanging from a hook on the wall.

Sam extended his arm through the metal bars. His fingers barely even touched the keys despite the length of his limbs. "Dude, it's too fucking far." Sam cussed.

Louis nodded understandingly. He leaned back on the wall as he had been doing so for such a long time.

Sam clamped his teeth around the hard metal bars. He tried to snap the bar but it would not move. He pulled the bars inwards, trying to yank them out of the floor and ceiling where they were held by. It did not work. Sam chewed at the bars, grinding his teeth until they ached, but still, the bars remained intact.

Soft footsteps were heard approaching the dungeon. Larry poked her head out from behind the open door. "Hey Louis! What happened? I kinda fell asleep. Oops." Larry said. "When I woke up, you were gone. I heard Danielle crying in her room. Is the wedding off?" Larry asked with sparks in her eyes. Louis nodded.

"Larry, can you get the keys? They're up on that hook." Louis asked. Larry nodded.

"Sam, help Larry up." Louis instructed.

Larry crawled onto Sam's open palm. He lifted her as close to the keys as he could reach. Larry jumped off Sam's hand and bit on the metal loop with the keys on it. Her body dangled and swayed. Larry dug her nails into the wall, clawing to push herself upwards. The keys were off the hook. Larry let go and let them fall onto the ground. She jumped off the wall and landed on her paws. Larry brought the keys to Louis. Louis took them and unlocked the cell doors.

"Thanks, Larry." Louis said, fetching his sword from the floor and heading out of the cell.

Larry stared at Louis. "You couldn't have used the sword to get the keys?" Larry asked rhetorically.

"Didn't think of it." Louis responded.

"Dude, what the fuck is a sword?" Sam asked.

Louis ignored Sam's question and made his way out of the dungeon.

"Louis, where are you going in such a rush?" Larry asked, scuttering along behind the prince on her short legs.

"Ariak is in danger. I bet King Stephen has already started moving to Ariak." Louis said in between breaths as he ran. "The attack would begin to take place in less than 24 hours.

"We can't beat them, can we?" Larry asked.

Louis slowed down. "Yeah, we can't but we have to try," Louis uttered.

Louis hurried out of the castle to find his carriage trashed and wrecked. With the carriage broken and the horses gone, Louis could not get back to Ariak. "This is hopeless!" Louis lamented.

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